3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Contact
- The Emotion Bubble
- Paid Bills
- Love Chant
- Forget My Secret
- Siren Mermaid
- Wealth
- Homemade Revange Spell
- Double the Money
- Banish Negative Energy
#2551 - Contact
If you want to contact any person or you want to make him/her do as want just write it on the paper. Fold it with positive emotions for him/her. Put this paper at your body's private part.For example near your breast for girls. Or if you have picture of that person and you want to contact with him/her. put it also at your body's private part by folding that picture. Keep it there all day and night for somedays.The person will surely contact you within shortest time depending on your emotions.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2552 - The Emotion Bubble
Steady your breathing and relax.
Then imagine a small bubble hovering in front of you, (You can close your eyes if it makes it easyer) Reach out and take the bubble in your strongest hand. Don't let the bubble go.
Ignore the bubble for a moment and focus your mind on whatever emotion or thought you want to lessen.
If you want to you can build on this emotion untill you don't think you could possibly ever feel it any stronger than you do. This way when you release it you can realy feel the effects. however it could also be harder to get rid of. (e.g Remember what made you realy angry, replay that moment, think about it, build on your anger. Realy put some venom into it!)
When you have done this, envisage all your emotion, or your bad thoughts flowing down your arm into your bubble, watch your bubble grow. Feel the emotion drain. Feel calmer put the bubble in your pocket, or somewhere safe untill you can get to a window or outside.
When you get to a window, or outside, take your bubble from where you have been keeping it and put it in the palm of your hand.
Take a deep breath and blow your troubles away in the bubble.
The more you do this spell the easyer it is. If you get self concious about 'playing' with an imaginary bubble, then do it when you are alone.
Now all you have to do is give it a go.
#2553 - Paid Bills
On a Friday during the waxing moon, assemble all your ingredients at dusk. Take the candle and rub (Prosperity, basil or cinnamon) oil into it while focusing on your bills and debts being paid, see them being paid, picture your self writing checks and smiling all the way to the bank. Light the candle and take the green cloth, add the pumpkinseeds, Cinnamon sticks, and the dollar bill and fold three times, tie with ribbon. Chant while you work and focus on money coming towards you;
"Dollar bill, work your will.
Pumpkinseeds do your deeds.
Cinnamon sticks, do the trick,
Bring needed money & bring it quick".
Repeat three times burn candle for nine minutes. Keep talisman near your wallet or purse, and bills to be paid. Expect money to come, know it will and it shall !
Last edited on Dec 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2554 - Love Chant
''I am a magnet for love.
Love is within me,
Love is before me,
love is without me,
I am Love.''
-A very powerful chant- It works
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2555 - Forget My Secret
' As I erase on letter away,
You'll forget my secret (the persons name) today,
And when the last letter is erased and burned,
My secret to you shall never return.'
Blow out the candle. Every night erase the next letter. When the letter T is erased, use the flame of the candle to burn the paper, and say ' So mote it be! '.
Last edited on Mar 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2556 - Siren Mermaid
Fill a bath tub with salt water. If you don't have salt water pour salt into the water. Take your seashells and arrange them around the bath. Once you have done this get into the bath. Put your necklace on. You will drip a drop of nail polish into the bath at very pause in the spell (at every comma). Now say this spell 3 times:
"Eyes on fire, dreaming of the deep, hope above desire, losing in the depths, voice of the world, turn me into one of you, Icey soul, voice of sarrows, tail fin and all, make me a siren, legs on shore, fins in bay, this is my desire, for this, I wish, I pray, I believe."
Once you have finished the spell run your palms along the waters surface while humming. Do this for 3 minutes. Then drain the bath water out. But stay in the tub until all the water is completely drained out. Then get out. But take 15 minutes of being dry and humming before getting wet again. Then you can do whatever. But if you take the necklace off you will break the spell.
Side Effects
- Nausea
- Sore throat
- Better singing voice
- Possible vomiting (very rare)
- Leg pains
- Any other odd leg sensations
- Headaches
- Any other odd sensations
Last edited on Dec 22, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2557 - Wealth
While the candle is lit, hold 1 coin in left hand and other coin in right. Focus on both coins and put your energy into them while saying "Please bring me some wealth. I am in great need, both inside and out. Please bring me a great amount of wealth". Then keep 1 coin in left pocket and other coin in right pocket. at night put coins side by side under a pillow.
Last edited on Dec 26, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2558 - Homemade Revange Spell
In the morning maybe before going to school/Work.
Light a candle then take 2 pieces of toilet paper and write the person name that you want to revenge on.
Then move the candle in a place where there is nothing in the way (So nothing burns) Bit by bit rip the pieces and burn them in fire then say ''I *Your Name* Revange this person for all the pain he has caused to others for all my scars that won't fade away from all the pain in thy heart he/she has cause, revenge this person and let him feel same Let *Eniemies Name* Feel as we did so mote it be''Then make sure everything
Is cooled down after it is put it in the bin.
I hope it works for you good look If you have any questions feel free to send me a message Lots of Luck :D Goodbye
#2559 - Double the Money
Gather together two one dollar bills that you have saved for this spell. Next gather the amber oil and dragons blood oil. Invoke a dragon to assist you in the spell you are about to cast. Next, plaice one of the dollar bills in front of you. Start applying the amber oil on one side of the dollar bill while you incantation of the following spell.
"I call upon the ancient power
Of dragon's power,
By the Oaks and Trees,
I ask of thee,
To double the amount
That comes to me,
So mote it be!"
Keep repeating this incantation until you have completed anointing the first side of the dollar bill with the amber oil. Next do the same with the dragons blood oil on the other side of the dollar bill.
Finally, fold each anointed dollar bill twice; first fold should be in half from center of the bill. next fold should be in half again long was. then the spell is complete. You would put the enchanted folded dollar bills in piggy band or glass jar or were ever you keep your loose change in.
Last edited on Dec 20, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2560 - Banish Negative Energy
Blend as many of these ingredients as you can find into a fine powder with a mortar and pestle. Set up your altar for a cleansing ritual. Close all windows and sourcesof ventilation.
Prepare an incense burner with litchar coals. Place a substantial quantity of the powder you made in step 1 onto the burner. Position the burner in the center of the room. Let it remain there for a minimum of an hour, do not leave it unattended for safety reasons.
While the incense burns, make sure to keep all ventilation closed off. Remain in the room with the incense and you'll be rewarded with a powerful personal cleansing too! When sufficient time has passed,open the windows, and let the fresh air in.
Last edited on Dec 27, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.