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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3292 Life Spells
  1. Change your gender
  2. Mater Dolorosa
  3. Powerful Lunar Curse
  4. Ravenwulf money spell
  5. Forget Me
  6. Dream Question, Dream Answer
  7. The Money Rock
  8. Blessing a School Pen
  9. Find your Element
  10. Enhance Creativity

#2521 - Change your gender

Change from boy to girl, or vise versa. Must have some experience with biokinesis.
You may need:

  • Experience in biokinesis
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    You may need:

  • Experience in biokinesis
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    Get into a meditative state. Next make a needle (really thin and sharp) with your energy. Then imagine your tube of genes and your needle poking into it. The next part you can do two ways. Method 1: (I prefer) If you are a boy think of the needle attaching to the Y and changing to a X. If you are a girl think of one of your X's turning to a Y. Method 2: Think that you really want to change your gender and release the needle until it evaporates. IMPORTANT: Seal up the hole you poked with the needle with energy otherwise you lose part one of your genes. Exit your state and watch the transformation happen. This is my first spell but I am absolutely sure it will work. Message me about your experience. Btw it will take time for the spell to work.

    Added to on Sep 24, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2522 - Mater Dolorosa

    This spell was found in some Roman Archives and it was used like a prayer to Ceres to help a woman have a child. It is only for females( animals or human beings).
    You may need:

  • water
  • long yellow candle
  • long green candle
  • fertility oil
  • gold coin( as big as mother's belly)
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    You may need:

  • water
  • long yellow candle
  • long green candle
  • fertility oil
  • gold coin( as big as mother's belly)
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    The mother must stay in a bed and to be very comfortable.

    When to perform the spell:
    If the mother was borned from 21st december to 1st may, it is better to perform the spell in this period of time. If the mother was born from 1st May to 31st october, it is better to perform the spell in this period of time. If the mother was borned from 31st october to 21st december, do not perform this spell.
    ( If you are born in the S emisphere, send me a mesage to recalculate this things, because what I wrote is only for the N part of the globe.)
    Also, perform this spell on a new moon.

    How to place the candles:
    In her right side must stay the gold candle and in her left side her green candle, if she was born from 21st december to 1st may. If the mother was born from 1 st may to 31st october, the green candle will stay in her right and the gold candle in her left. If the mother was born from 31st october to 21st december, this spell wil never work.

    Put the coin on mother's belly.
    Put the water on mother's abdomen and take the bottle with the fertility oil in your hands.
    Move around mother and chant:
    ''Ceres Mater Agrorum, the Goddes of Fertility, join us today as we beg for your presence''
    then pour the oil on the future mother.
    ''Today we unite in your name to procreate our human nature''
    light the candles.
    '' Our beloved adoptive mother, please give to this mother the chance to give birth a boy or a girls who will love you 'till will come back to you''.
    put the coin on mother's belly.
    ''we pay you with gold for the soul you will put in her''
    ''Blessed be your name, mother
    we chant in your name, your name be poured in her body
    so that can she give birth.''
    Then take the coin and keep in untill that person will give birth. Take her baby and thank to Ceres, and then give the baby the coin and put it in a necklace so that the baby will wear it untill he/she will have 12 years old. At 12 years old, bless the baby in the name of Sun.

    the ritual is over when the candles will burn.
    ''it is up to Ceres if she will want to give birth through that mother, so this spell might not work for everybody|
    Ceres will only raise your fertility, of course you will have to make love to a men to give birth to a baby''

    Added to on Sep 24, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2523 - Powerful Lunar Curse

    This spell is intended for revenge.It is a curse that will damage the one you curse both emotionally and physically.It last a lunar phase and it breaks only under the light of a full moon.
    You may need:

  • A New Moon
  • A Circle
  • 13 Black Candles
  • 1 Crimson Candle
  • 1 Rotten Tomato
  • Some Vinegar
  • 1 Mirror (A small one)
  • A Bowl with Water
  • 1 Picture of the Victim
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    You may need:

  • A New Moon
  • A Circle
  • 13 Black Candles
  • 1 Crimson Candle
  • 1 Rotten Tomato
  • Some Vinegar
  • 1 Mirror (A small one)
  • A Bowl with Water
  • 1 Picture of the Victim
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    On the New Moon, take the things you need outside in your yard or anywhere where the Moon could be seen before the New Moon.If the sky is cloudless, then you are lucky, you can identify the New Moon quite easily.It looks like a dark sphere in the sky.I suggest that you better start tracking it from dusk.In dusk, it is an almost-invisible non-black round thing.Then wait until it gets dark.

    Now, that above was the most difficult part...

    After you have done everything about the moon, take your spell ingredients out in a position that the New Moon can be identified.After you find it, cast a circle in the position you are.Sit in the middle of the circle with all your goodies.Now take the 13 candles and place them in the around you in the circle.Take the bowl with water and place it in front of you.Now take the photo of the victim and hold it in your hands.Visualize him/her in your hands gasping for air.The more he/she gasps,the tighter you must hold him/her in your hands(WARNING:DON'T VISUALIZE HIM/HER BEING ASPHYXIATED TO DEATH.WHEN YOU THINK YOU MADE HIM/HER SUFFER ENOUGH, LET GO OF HIM/HER.More info below...)
    When you thing you made him/her suffer enough(Don't imagine killing him/her because karma will strike you terribly)Drop him/her in the bowl with water and say:
    You made me suffer, you made me cry,
    But now you will pay very high!
    For each teardrop I dropped for your violence,
    Your emotions will make you perish with sadness,
    Your punishment shall be made,
    From the darkest side of Fire,Water,Wind and Earth!
    You'll become neglected...
    You'll become detested...
    Until the full moon shines,
    You are tearfully CURSED!!!

    Now Light the Black Candles and say as you light each one:
    The hatred stored deep in me,
    will take place to thee, so mote it be!

    After that throw vinegar in the water where the photo still is.
    Then light the crimson candle and say:
    (The victims name)Your happiness I detest
    So I give you this test
    Until the Full Moon shines upon us both,
    You are cursed by me.
    You will experience sorrow like I did
    All amplified by the rule of three
    I invoke all the hatred of me
    To the darkness and emptiness of the New Moon...
    ...So mote it be!
    Now take the small mirror, place the photo of the victim in it, and above the photo, place the crimson candle.Now pour the melted wax from all the other 13 candles in the bowl and juice up the rotten tomato in the water(With bare hands D: )
    Now hold the mirror above the rotten tomato water, and chant 26 times:
    By the emptiness of the moon tonight,
    My curse is made.
    And it falls on (The victims name both first and last name)
    With all of my hatred.
    His/her despair
    Becomes my bliss,
    until the full moon shines upon him/her again.
    Then the curse is broken, its when the curse would fell.
    So mote it be, with hatred and my evil meaning grin.

    After that, throw a grin at the moon.

    Now take a drop by the mixture of the rotten tomato water with your finger, and with that drop burn out the crimson candle.
    Let the mirror with the crimson candle down, and say only once:
    Curse You.

    When you say the ''You'' , think of the victim.

    After all these, get rid of EVERY SINGLE THING USED IN THE RITUAL(!!!GRAVELY IMPORTANT BURY THE MIRROR DEEP IN THE GROUND IN A LOCATION EXCEPT YOUR HOUSE,THE VICTIMS HOUSE OR A GRAVEYARD!!!!!!!).Even the bowl.And don't forget to wash your hands IMMEDIATELY After the ritual.Wash them with soap, and then perform a banishing ritual in your house.Then sprinkle salt around the house(after the banishing ritual)

    Now, some warnings:
    If both you and the victim come in contact with full moon light in the full moon the curse is intended to broke, the curse will fall at you!You can avoid the full moon by closing the window shutters down in every corner on your house until the full moon goes away!
    After the person comes in contact with the light of the full moon, you can still go out at the other full moon.The victims curse would disappear at the end of the lunar cycle anyway...

    This is the 1st and Last Black Magick Spell added by me.Use it with wisdom and experience with black magick only!


    Added to on Sep 22, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2524 - Ravenwulf money spell

    I have been experamenting with sypathetic magic for a while now..i discovered this little spell by accident..but it works, so far it has worked 9 times with 9 different people..
    You may need:

  • green paraffin wax,or green bee's wax works best..3 tbs Basil ''Dry''..a pinch of dry dill olive oil..and a tumbled small Quartz crystal.a sheet of linen parchment. a feather quill and soot and vinegar ink or a black natural ink.and a scribing tool,athame,or rose thorn.about 12 inches of thick hemp twine..''for a wick''
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    You may need:

  • green paraffin wax,or green bee's wax works best..3 tbs Basil ''Dry''..a pinch of dry dill olive oil..and a tumbled small Quartz crystal.a sheet of linen parchment. a feather quill and soot and vinegar ink or a black natural ink.and a scribing tool,athame,or rose thorn.about 12 inches of thick hemp twine..''for a wick''
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    first, melt your green wax in a double boiler, or a pan..add the basil and dill and mix ..i dip the hemp into the hot wax two or three make it stiff..and set it aside..i pour my wax mixture into my mold..most people use a paper roller from paper towels as a mold.. drop a quartz crystal in the wax making sure it sinks.add the hemp wick and set the mold in the freezer for 30 mins.once the candle is hard..take your athame, or a rose thorn and on three equal sides,,,engrave the Rune ''FA'' which means ''Help''.here is the link for it. . in between the Runes enscribe, ''Money, Money come to me'' do this three times between the Runes..wash the candle in a salt bath for a few momments or hold it in sage smoke..then anoint it with olive oil as and set it on your alter...
    The can use any ink you wish as long as it is natural...but i use a soot and wine ink..or vinegar.On the parchment with the quill, write your name, write the amout you desire..light the candle and while holding it in your power hand..imagine the money comming into your matter how..just that it is comming!and accept that it is...know that it is believe that it is!..set the candle down, and burn the parchment slowly allowing it to smoke..ask the smoke to deliver your message, your desire, and that no harm come to the power of mote it be..
    i have used this many times..and i have secretly let it slip to 9 others who have used worked!

    Added to on Sep 17, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2525 - Forget Me

    Makes some one forget you.
    You may need:

  • A 4 leaf clover
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    You may need:

  • A 4 leaf clover
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    Hold the clover near your heart and wait for a miniute. Then bring the clover by your mouth and whisper "Forget me (their name here). I am not even a shadow in your mind nor a memory so forget me as I try to forget you too." Then pluck all 4 leafs off and bury them: 1 in the east 1 in the north 1 in the south and 1 in the west.

    Added to on Sep 16, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2526 - Dream Question, Dream Answer

    This spell will allow you to find an answer to many questions... in your dreams.
    You may need:

  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 white candle (optional)
  • 1 stick of cinnamon incense
  • A slip of paper
  • A pen
  • 4 magickally charged stones (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 1 blue candle
  • 1 white candle (optional)
  • 1 stick of cinnamon incense
  • A slip of paper
  • A pen
  • 4 magickally charged stones (optional)
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    Light the candle(s). Light the incense with the blue candle. Leave the candle(s) on until the incense is completely burned out. Write the question on the slip of paper with the pen. Example:

    Dear Aphrodite,

    Is this person the right person for me?

    Love (whatever)

    When the incense is completely burned, pour the ashes on the question. Fold it. Hold it tight in your hands. Close your eyes and say:

    ''It is an answer that I seek,
    In my dreams, I'll take a peek.''

    Place the folded paper under your pillow and blow out the candle(s)

    NOTE: If you are using magick stones, place them around the alter before doing the spell.

    Added to on Sep 13, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2527 - The Money Rock

    Brings you the money you have always needed in life.
    You may need:

  • A green candle
  • Green paint
  • A rock that is nearly square in shape
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    You may need:

  • A green candle
  • Green paint
  • A rock that is nearly square in shape
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    When you are ready, light the candle. In the glow of the candle flame, paint money symbols on the rock. As you do this, concentrate on how this rock will bring needed money into your life. After 7 minutes snuff out the candle. Everyday, light the candle for 7 minutes until money appears.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2528 - Blessing a School Pen

    I think this would help in adding your confidence at school.
    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 parchment paper
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    You may need:

  • 1 yellow candle
  • 1 parchment paper
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    Write the spell on the parchment paper.

    "May the ballpen shall see
    the bad and good within me.
    for this shall serve as the writer of my future
    and the endeavor of my desires."

    Roll the parchment paper then put it in the fire of the candle.

    Added to on Sep 10, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 25, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2529 - Find your Element

    To find your element dont get mad when I spell wrong I have brain damage.
    You may need:

  • 1 Fire Lit Candle
  • 1 Little Puddle Of Water
  • 1 Small Boulder Or Pile Of Dirt
  • An Object Like A Rock
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    You may need:

  • 1 Fire Lit Candle
  • 1 Little Puddle Of Water
  • 1 Small Boulder Or Pile Of Dirt
  • An Object Like A Rock
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    Look at the candle. If the flame rises, you're a fire element. Look at the puddle. If it widen's , then you're a water element. Look at the small boulder or pile of dirt. If it moves or roll around, then you're an earth element. Look at the object. If it lifts up, then you're an air element.

    I did it and I'm an air element.

    Added to on Sep 08, 2012
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2530 - Enhance Creativity

    A Termopolyan Spell. Immensely difficult, with severe consequences for a miscast. Increases creativity for a period of one fortnight.
    You may need:

  • Termopolyan Stab
  • Access to fresh air
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    You may need:

  • Termopolyan Stab
  • Access to fresh air
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    Before attempting this spell: Ensure that your Stab is charged. An uncharged Stab will result in nothing.

    Perform the spell to cleanse yourself of evil thoughts. Go outdoors. Grasp the Stab in your non-dominant hand at shoulder level with the bottom resting on the ground. With your dominant hand, grasp your Stab as far down as you can without bending over.

    Remove your non-dominant hand from your Stab. Hold your dominant arm straight out in front of you so that the Stab no longer rests onthe ground. Turn the Stab so that the bottom points out directly in front of you.

    Recite the following: "Omtts le cwit'ablits altsttice. Mzhyors lyi cwiti psi." (Prn. oh-ma-tees' (a nasal, s as in pass) lae quee-thahb-lee-thaes' (th's as in path, s as in pass), ahl-thihs'-tee-cae (th as in path). Mazh-yor-ahs' (zh like s in pleasure, s as in pass) lyee quee'-thee (th as in path) pa'-zee (a nasal).)

    Keep the Stab elevated for at least 5 minutes.

    Possible Effects

    • Severe loss of creativity for eight to ten months (possibly up to two years), after which creativity will return extremely slowly, but will never return fully.
    • Loss of individuality for several weeks.
    • Inability to think for yourself for several days.
    • Inability to communicate for several days.
    • Inability to figure things out for several months.
    • Severely decreased IQ for several months, after which IQ will slowly return but will never fully return.

    Added to on Sep 05, 2012
    Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters