3301 Life Spells from Spell Casters
- Telepathy Explained
- Love Dream Spell
- Become an Angel
- Voice Simulator
- Singers Dream Voice
- Time of Death
- Wish
- Manifestation
#2441 - Telepathy Explained
What is telepathy? A link between minds, is the short of it. First understand how channeling works. We are all members of the Quantum Foam, therefore connected. When you channel a God, you are communicating, or directing power in some instances. So communication.. you can call upon any soul you would like. Most Occultists believe that every soul has it's own channel, and when you "hop" into their channel, you are communicating directly with the channeled being. So it's channeling... According to the "Law" of personal universes, every being has it's own universe, the question is, how are you using your communication to affect their universe?
The Long of it... telepathy only exists for those who believe they have it. And yes, if you believe in your magic, you have it, therefore, If you believe you can channel, you can. Channeling normal Humans outside the magical community is dangerous for them, for they don't know certain things, and will be shocked from the experience, but nonetheless very possible.
If you are a true magician, this should be an easy feat for you. But distance is kind of an issue, considering there is much space in between for your communication to either A. get lost in transition, B. get intercepted, and blocked or C. forgotten. And yes, as you dive into the minds of others, you can make them forget things too. And remember, it's your Will, and Karma is so there.
If you're a conspiracy follower, you will believe me when I say that Illuminated Humans have this ability, and use it often inside their network. Also, Telepathy opens doors to voices in your head, and you may be institutionalized if others suspect you are in need of medical attention for being outright and saying you have this ability. (Been there, done that.) Obviously normal people are the ones who are closed minded, and also note, there are higher forces at work, who can prevent things, seen it happen before.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2442 - Love Dream Spell
Mother of the Earth, Goddess of life
What is my wish, My wish tonight
I wish happiness, And blessings
To the one I love
May (he)she be blessed, To have dreams of love
Love love and love once more
May she be found, And filled with life
And dream happily
That is my wish tonight
You know my will, You know it well
Grant this spell, A spell of love
And may (he)she be happy, And be above
All the evil, All the pain
And may happiness, Fill (him)her well
For this is my spell
So mote it be
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2443 - Become an Angel
Put three candles around you then say
"Angels angels
Wishes of flying
And being Gods
Angel come true
Turn me into a angel
For all eternity
This is my will
My only wish
So mote it be"
While thinking of heaven with god with white wings on you and a halo on your head.
Last edited on Jan 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2446 - Voice Simulator
This spell is most powerful at 3:00 am. Listen to your favorite song at this time. As you are listening, sing the song in your head. Believe that when you sing, you can match the singer's pitch.
Raise your hands up and say:
"Your voice is the one I love
Your voice is the one I need
Your voice is the one I want
Power of the moon
Grant me this voice"
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2447 - Singers Dream Voice
First, set up your stage as if your were going to perform in front of people your stage can be your bed, table, open space on the floor, (if you are using your bed remove pillows there are no pillows on stage).
Lay down on the stage lay flat as possible hands out think as if your laying on a pentagram. Place the candle down by your feet and light it, careful not to kick it. Play the instrumental and then lay down and dream and see yourself on stage and imagine you singing very strong and beautiful and listen to the voice calling you telling to pull me free
Most of all believe because as your dreaming the candle will summon a yellow ring around you and you should very free but if you doubt it then the spell will not work. As the song comes to an end awaken your eyes and blow the candle out and give it at least 24 hrs for the new voice to settle in your body.
Last edited on Jan 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2448 - Time of Death
When you see your enemy chant: "It's time for your death. So die and burn in hell. Let satan stand in front of you and burn".
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2449 - Wish
Focus on what you desire and imagine it happening. Put your hands into a prayer position and chant: "Lord, hear me. Make my wish come true".
Last edited on Jan 22, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2450 - Manifestation
Draw a symbol or sigil that represents your desire, using the correct correspondences. Gaze at the drawing, speaking, willing, and envisioning your desire. Will it to be.
Last edited on Jan 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.