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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

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3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 3292 Life Spells
  1. The Shapeshifting Curse
  2. Make Someone Go To Hell
  3. Kagura's Wing Spell
  4. Revenge
  5. Banish Debt Candle Spell
  6. Banish Debt
  7. Birthday Wish
  8. Wish
  9. Basics of Spellcasting
  10. persuasion spell

#1941 - The Shapeshifting Curse

Lets you make other people shapeshift into what you want to when you want to only using your mind!
You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • The persons hair
  • Paper and pen/pencil
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    You may need:

  • 1 white candle
  • The persons hair
  • Paper and pen/pencil
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    Write on paper: "Keneti shift" three times and then write as big as you can "Power of three mote it be"

    Added to on Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1942 - Make Someone Go To Hell

    Make the soul of someone go to hell even if its dead.
    You may need:

  • Picture of the person alive or dead
  • Drawn inverted pentagram on floor
  • 5 black candles
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    You may need:

  • Picture of the person alive or dead
  • Drawn inverted pentagram on floor
  • 5 black candles
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    Draw an inverted pentagram on the floor,then indian seat on the middle facing the horns of the inverted pentagram. Then place the picture of that person in front of you in the middle again of the pentagram then place the five black candles of each corner of the tringles of the pentagram. While you are lighting the candles chant this:

    "You are one luckily borned,
    You have now the devil's horn,
    With all the sins that you've been done,
    Will not erase until you've gone"

    Repeat this 6x. After this cut the picture into five pieces and burn every piece into each candle, when done collect the ashes and drop some wax to the ashes from the candle to it and bury it.

    Added to on Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1943 - Kagura's Wing Spell

    a chant to grow wings.
    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Candles*optional
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    You may need:

  • Voice
  • Candles*optional
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    Chant this as many times you want, but colors and numbers must say the same
    ''Feathers soft and strong, wings bold and graceful, to fly me where i please is what i wish to thee.

    Divinities of grace and the elements, grant me my wish of soaring place to place, wings of (color) to carry me

    freely where i please, my wings are big enough to fly and small enough to hide from prying eyes

    my wings are no illusion, for humans and ones like me can see them, let them grow and be awoken by this wish,

    my wingspan of (weight divided by 5) feet to allow me to soar like the falcons and jays, i wish for thy wings of

    flight to come (as soon as you want them try to go for at least 5 hours or longer), thank you''
    Air Element Control: Meditate outside and chant ''Wind, Wind, I command thee to swirl and spin''
    some more wing spells:
    ''Gods and Goddesses, give to me, feathery wings I ask of thee, Soaring free through the sky, wings of (color)
    and wingspan of (weight divided by 5)ft. that will carry me quickly, grant this wish i ask of thee so mote it be''

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1944 - Revenge

    This for that dark little witch with a bad attitude seeking revenge on someone.
    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
  • 4 black candles
  • A little blood
  • A piece jewelry or something your victim cares a lot
  • A chalice
  • Four objects of death
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • 3 red candles
  • 4 black candles
  • A little blood
  • A piece jewelry or something your victim cares a lot
  • A chalice
  • Four objects of death
  • Water
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    Place a black candle then red then a black and so on. Place the chalice in front of the candles and then place the four objects of death around the chalice. Now fill the chalice with water then drop the (victims object) in the water and chant: "Taweret I call on you god of deception and misery so true. By my blood (then cut yourself) make thy vengeance come true onto whom I tell you to - (then your victims name)".

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited on May 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1945 - Banish Debt Candle Spell

    This spell will banish your debt. It is from this book. I ask that you purchase the ebook from Amazon, this is not propaganda. Spells for Money and Wealth   by Angela Kaelin   Angela Kaelin Copyright © 2011, 2012   Winter Tempest Books Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth . Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
    You may need:

  • Paper and pen 3 White or black candles White Sage bundle or Sage oil Green, silver or gold candle Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime) Fireplace, large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper Money Drawing Oil Green mojo bag
  • from: Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-0. Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 6. Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
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    You may need:

  • Paper and pen 3 White or black candles White Sage bundle or Sage oil Green, silver or gold candle Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime) Fireplace, large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper Money Drawing Oil Green mojo bag
  • from: Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-0. Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 6. Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
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    Make a list of all of your debts along with the name of the person or company to whom they are owed.

    Pass the paper and one of the white or black candles through the smoke of the White Sage bundle. Alternatively, anoint the edges of the paper and the candle with Sage oil using a motion away from you.  

    Dim the lights in the room. Then, light the white or black candle and meditate on the flame while you imagine your life without debt. When you feel you have given sufficient energy to these thoughts, take the paper with the debts written on it and burn it while calling upon Hecate, Hades, Pluto, the Norse Goddess of the Underworld Hel or any other Underworld spirit.   As you burn the paper, call upon the spirit by name, as follows: ''N., I call upon your powers to destroy these debts, release their energy from my life and purify them in the earth. Let none be harmed as you bring this problem to a resolution. Bring me wisdom, inspiration and peace. By the power of three times three! So mote it be!''  

    Allow the candle to burn down completely. Repeat this procedure over the course of three nights. After the third night, bury the ashes and the refuse of the three candles off your property or throw it into running water.   On the following Friday or Sunday, preferably on the night of a waxing moon, anoint the green, silver or gold candle with Money Drawing Oil using a motion toward you.

    Light this candle. Afterward, hold the coin above the flame at a safe distance, but where you can see its light from the candle reflecting off of it. Then, place the coin on your altar with the head up.   Address the spirit you are working with, again, saying: ''N., ruler over gold and silver, let this coin be a conduit for your wealth and abundance. Fill my life with all I need and more.''  

    Meditate on your needs being fulfilled and being able to live the life you've always dreamed of in comfort and wealth until the candle burns out.   Bury the remains of the candle in your yard. Place the coin in a mojo bag and carry it with you. Once a month, on a full moon, anoint it with an oil formula for good luck, money or wealth.

    Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth (p. 68). Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.

    if it works for you can you hook me up with a ferrari?

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1946 - Banish Debt

    This spell will banish your debt. It is from this book. I ask that you purchase the ebook from Amazon, this is not propaganda. Spells for Money and Wealth by Angela Kaelin   Angela Kaelin Copyright © 2011, 2012   Winter Tempest Books Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth . Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.
    You may need:

  • Paper and pen
  • 3 White or black candles
  • White Sage bundle or Sage oil
  • Green, silver or gold candle
  • Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime)
  • Fireplace
  • Large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper
  • Money
  • Drawing Oil
  • Green mojo bag
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    You may need:

  • Paper and pen
  • 3 White or black candles
  • White Sage bundle or Sage oil
  • Green, silver or gold candle
  • Silver coin (preferably a Mercury Head dime)
  • Fireplace
  • Large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper
  • Money
  • Drawing Oil
  • Green mojo bag
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    Make a list of all of your debts along with the name of the person or company to whom they are owed. Pass the paper and one of the white or black candles through the smoke of the White Sage bundle. Alternatively, anoint the edges of the paper and the candle with Sage oil using a motion away from you.

    Dim the lights in the room. Then, light the white or black candle and meditate on the flame while you imagine your life without debt. When you feel you have given sufficient energy to these thoughts, take the paper with the debts written on it and burn it while calling upon Hecate, Hades, Pluto, the Norse Goddess of the Underworld Hel or any other Underworld spirit. As you burn the paper, call upon the spirit by name, as follows:

    "N., I call upon your powers to destroy these debts, release their energy from my life and purify them in the earth. Let none be harmed as you bring this problem to a resolution. Bring me wisdom, inspiration and peace. By the power of three times three! So mote it be!"

    Allow the candle to burn down completely. Repeat this procedure over the course of three nights. After the third night, bury the ashes and the refuse of the three candles off your property or throw it into running water. On the following Friday or Sunday, preferably on the night of a waxing moon, anoint the green, silver or gold candle with Money Drawing Oil using a motion toward you.

    Light this candle. Afterward, hold the coin above the flame at a safe distance, but where you can see its light from the candle reflecting off of it. Then, place the coin on your altar with the head up. Address the spirit you are working with, again, saying: "N., ruler over gold and silver, let this coin be a conduit for your wealth and abundance. Fill my life with all I need and more."

    Meditate on your needs being fulfilled and being able to live the life you've always dreamed of in comfort and wealth until the candle burns out. Bury the remains of the candle in your yard. Place the coin in a mojo bag and carry it with you. Once a month, on a full moon, anoint it with an oil formula for good luck, money or wealth.

    Added to on Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1947 - Birthday Wish

    This is to be cast before you make a wish on your birthday.
    You may need:

  • Cake candles
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    You may need:

  • Cake candles
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    Say the following before you make a wish: "A year has come. A year has passed. I'll make my birthday wish at last. Magic powers old and new, make my birthday wish come true!"

    Added to on Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1948 - Wish

    Will grant your wishes.
    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Writing utensil
  • White and/or black candle
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    You may need:

  • Piece of paper
  • Writing utensil
  • White and/or black candle
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    Write your wish on the piece of paper. Tear the paper into six pieces.. Light the candle(s). Open your door or window and place the candle(s) near you.

    Holding the pieces of paper say, "Wish of mine, come true this time. Earth, from sea to shore grant this wish, I implore. This is my will, as I set it free, semper beatus, so mote it be."

    Blow the pieces of your wish outside. Count to six and then blow out the candle(s)

    Added to on Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited on May 03, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1949 - Basics of Spellcasting

    Just something to keep in mind if you want to cast a successful spell and with inexpensive easy-to-find ingredients. These are known as magic secrets because they were in a secret code so if you wanted the key to casting successful spells and/or some of the spells meant for certain eyes you'd have to be able to read the indian language, and understand the code, they used.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Now not many people know all of this and if they do know some it isn't everything that you should know.

    Magic secret #1: You MUST truly believe a spell will work from the bottom of your heart.

    Magic secret #2: Direct your spell as desired by being in the frame of mind needed to cast it correctly.

    Magic secret #3: Charge your spells with outside energy from nature. Use natural ingredients like herbs, wood, and other plants, and, I can't stress this enough, thank the Earth for the energy you've borrowed!

    Added to on Oct 22, 2013
    Last edited on May 04, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1950 - persuasion spell


    Use the blue pen to write the name of the person you wish to persuade on the paper, then draw a pentagram next to the name.

    Turn the paper over and write what you want to persuade the person to do with the red pen.

    Fold the paper in half twice and hold it over your heart with your left hand. With your right hand hold something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade.


    "Ancient God and Goddess i call upon thee
    To allow (Name of the Person your trying to persuade) heart and mind to soften towards me
    Not to do what i command
    but to loosen the grain of sand
    so may it be."

    Sleep with the paper under your pillow and repeat the incantation when you wake up.
    You may need:

  • Tools:
  • 1 Red pen
  • 1 Blue pen
  • 1 Sheet of paper
  • something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade ( a word they wrote, a piece of jewelry)
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    You may need:

  • Tools:
  • 1 Red pen
  • 1 Blue pen
  • 1 Sheet of paper
  • something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade ( a word they wrote, a piece of jewelry)
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    How to cast the persuasion spell:

    Use the blue pen to write the name of the person you wish to persuade on the paper, then draw a pentagram next to the name.

    Turn the paper over and write what you want to persuade the person to do with the red pen.

    Fold the paper in half twice and hold it over your heart with your left hand. With your right hand hold something that belongs to the person your trying to persuade.


    ''Ancient God and Goddess i call upon thee
    To allow (Name of the Person your trying to persuade) heart and mind to soften towards me
    Not to do what i command
    but to loosen the grain of sand
    so may it be.''

    Sleep with the paper under your pillow and repeat the incantation when you wake up.

    Added to on Oct 22, 2013
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    3292 Life Spells from Spell Casters