2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Healing Candle Spell
- Death Potion
- Reanimate Dead
- Cleansing With Light
- Simple Healing Spell
- Possess An Enemy
- Multipurpose Herb Potion
- Cold Relief Potion
- Glamour Spell for Gender
- Healing and Soothing Lotion for Burns
#971 - Healing Candle Spell
Carve your name (or the person's name) into the wax of all three candles. Set them into the holders and light them. Then Repeat the following:
"Healing light,
shining tonight.
The power I feel,
be used to heal."
Then concentrate on the illness or condition that you are looking to heal. Let the candles burn out on their own when your done.
Last edited on Jun 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#972 - Death Potion
Boil water and crush ameythest. Then add rose petals and amythest to concotion to let cool. Add 3 drops to victim and wait
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#973 - Reanimate Dead
Draw pentogram around body. Then boil blood for ten minutes. Sprinke on body to reanimate. Be warned it may not be in your control!
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#974 - Cleansing With Light
Calm yourself, focus and relax. Close your eyes and imagine a ball of white energy in the center of your body, growing and getting brighter. Just imagine it covering your entire body and soul. You should feel something, an emotion. That is when you know you're clean.
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#975 - Simple Healing Spell
Place both hands on the object being used to bind the energy, palms down.
In your mind's eye, picture the person receiving the spell holding/wearing/using the item you chose. Continue doing so until you feel energy in your palms. It can feel like a burning sensation, tickling, needles and pins, etc.
When you feel the energy, say the following:
''The owner of this _____ feels pain,
In the form of _____ (emotional/physical) pain.
It courses through their every move
With witches force, this pain removed!
No harm done, set the owner free!
No harm done, so mote it be!''
Keep your hands on the object until you feel the energy leave your palms.
Last edited on Jun 02, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#976 - Possess An Enemy
Meditation Progress:
Go into a dark quiet room to start on your meditation. Sit down in a meditation position and let go all distractions. Calmy focus on your breathing in from your nose then releasing out from your mouth.Repeat this until your mind is completely clear.
Visualizing through meditation:
While your mind is clear imagine looking at your victim face, say their name once with a soft steady voice.Now imagine your soul is interning into their body.Once you feel your soul trapped inside the body chant this once:
"Oh,Spirits remain my soul into my prey through the night as I snooze, so mote it be!"
Absorb Dark Energy:
Now close your eyes again and imagine dark energy mist flowing around you you, centering inside your body (chakras). Once you feel the dark energy within you the mediation is conpleted,you are now charged up.
Now you'll need to write who you want possess on a paper and draw a pentagram on the paper,with name in the center(First & Last). Lay each candles on the 5 points of the pentagram.Light the candles then chant the following:
"Spirits as I lay move my soul to find my prey!"
Blow out the candles, place the paper under the pillow.
Final Description!
When you sleep you will dream, but you will be in control of your dream and you will be possessing the person who you wished in your soul possess.When your body wakes up your spirit will return to our body and the person will be in control of themselfs again.
CAUTION: This spell is dangerous I wouldn't recommend this for beginnners.
Note: This spell works best on Monday!
Last edited on Nov 24, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#977 - Multipurpose Herb Potion
(1) Boil 3-4 pinches of each spice in 1/2 cup of water for three minutes
(2) Seperate the herbs from the water and discard them
(3) Pour the water into a container of cup(s)
(4) The potion should be kept in a fridge if you are storing it
Drink as wanted/needed
Since this is a recipe that is easy to alter and customize I encourage you to post your version of the potion!
#978 - Cold Relief Potion
For a small bottle.
Boil 1/2 cup water with 3 tablespoons ginger and 1 tablespoon nutmeg. Add your sweetener now. Remove from your stove and store in a room temperature place in a closed container. Take a spoonful at a time.
Take as needed.
Last edited on Sep 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#979 - Glamour Spell for Gender
Once you are satisfied with your sigil, chop up or melt your crayon(s) and put them in the bottle. Add the sigil.
As you do this picture yourself being seen as your gender, being accepted, basically think about why you're doing this spell.
''I create this necklace to keep my spirit up, So that others will see me for who I really am, For my gender to be on the outside as well as within me.''
Now that you have the basic charm, you have the option to add more energy to the bottle.
Add Your herbs into the bottle. As you do this, picture what you want to get from each one. (For example, I added cinnamon to my bottle for a sharp masculine air)
''As I add this [herb] I wish for it to give me [intent\].''
Once you have added what you need to the bottle, put the cork in it, seal the bottle. Tie the hemp or cord around the lip of the bottle. When you need a boost, wear this necklace to help.
#980 - Healing and Soothing Lotion for Burns
- First boil a pinch of rosemary in a small amount of water for about 3 minutes.
- Strain out the chunks of rosemary
- Add 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to the rosemary water and stir well
- Put the mixture into your fridge for about 30 minutes
- Separate the solid coconut oil butter and the liquid, discard the liquid
- Put the lotion in a cool area in an air tight container
Last edited on Oct 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.