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2943 Health Spells from Spell Casters

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2943 Health Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2943 Health Spells
  1. Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy
  2. Healing Light
  3. Wish Fulfillment
  4. Simple Health Blessing
  5. To Become Immortal
  6. Remote Healing
  7. Remote Healing
  8. Violet Healing Spell
  9. Have Fun When Sick
  10. Mermaid Powers

#2461 - Cleansing Bodily Negative Energy

This is the best way to clean your negative energies!
You may need:

  • 1 White Candle –
  • 1 Black Candle –
  • 1 Green Candle –
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle –
  • 1 Black Candle –
  • 1 Green Candle –
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    Clear your mind and light the white candle. Say the following incantation:

    "“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
    I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies”"

    Light the black candle and say the same thing. After this light the green candle and say the following incantation:

    "“Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit,
    I ask thee to free and heal
    My body from all negative forces.
    Blessed be!”"

    Sit back, and keep your mind clear for fifteen minutes. After this you should feel renewed and fresh.

    Three Red Leaves Spell
    This spell is used to protect the mind against things such as nightmares, negative thoughts and “invasions of evil”. First you must gather three red leaves from any tree, plant or bush. Lay them in a triangle on a flat surface. In the centre of the leaves, place an already lighted candle, and place a few drops of chrysanthemum oil on each leaf.

    Say this incantation three times:
    "“Red leaves, gift from earth,
    Birth to death and death to birth,
    Keep all evil far away,
    Day to night and night to day.”"

    Then extinguish the candle, and wrap the leaves in a white cloth or pouch. Place this near your bed within three feet of your head and it will stop all nightmares and negative thoughts.

    Added to on Oct 28, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 23, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2462 - Healing Light

    Simple spell to heal a loved one, or to ease their pain
    You may need:

  • One white candle
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    You may need:

  • One white candle
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    Light candle and concentrate on healing thoughts.send the healing thoughts to the person or yourself. Say

    "Healing thoughts sent in flight
    Bring the brightest blessing this very night.
    Send this healing white light from above,
    Surround my friend now in healing love."

    Repeat as many times as needed. Snuff the candle out when done.

    Added to on Oct 26, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 08, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2463 - Wish Fulfillment

    This is a technique through which all your wishes work immediately connecting to the nature.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    First of all you need to think what type wish you want the natue to fullfill. Now, close your eyes and imagine a moons photo. Do not think of anything else. Now once you are into it, say "Oh moon God, please fulfill this wish".

    Added to on Oct 25, 2011
    Last edited on Oct 08, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2464 - Simple Health Blessing

    You may need:

  • glass of apple juice
  • cinnamon stick
  • white candle
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    You may need:

  • glass of apple juice
  • cinnamon stick
  • white candle
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    Pour the juice into a glass, and stir 4 times with the cinnamon stick. Light the candle and drink a few sips of juice. Repeat the following:

    Goddess bless body and soul
    Health and wellness is my goal

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    #2465 - To Become Immortal

    This spell makes you immortal.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    It has to be dark and you say this chant ten times at night. "I live forever. I shall not age."

    Say it ten times at night. And you will no longer age you will be immortal.

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    Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #2466 - Remote Healing

    This is not a spell, but a technique. Anyone can do this, and it is effective.
    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Concentration
  • Your Hands
  • Your Energy
  • Self-Trust
  • Divine Light
  • Heart Chakra
  • Crown Chakra
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    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Concentration
  • Your Hands
  • Your Energy
  • Self-Trust
  • Divine Light
  • Heart Chakra
  • Crown Chakra
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    This spell, technique, allows anyone to remotely heal someones psychical body, or emotional mentality. The choice is up to you.

    First thing first always ground yourself, and shield yourself.

    Sit, or ly, quietly in a comfortable position. Choose a place where you won't be interrupted.

    Grounding yourself: I like to vision a root of a tree growing beneath my feet and lowering itself deep into the ground and connecting within the earths core. Now you are able to use the earth energy below you. Once you feel you are connected then you can shield yourself.

    Shielding yourself: Imagine a white light coming from the moon and surrounding you like a bubble. Make sure you really envision it. Make it hollow. The bubble can be any color, but I use white for the light of the higher power.

    Now it's time to do the technique,

    1. You should be sitting, or lying down. Now, you should focus on your breathing. Listen and feel each inhale, and exhale.

    2. As you breath imagine white energy arising from the ground and entering the base of your feet. Imagine the energy flowing throughout your body. You should feel a tingling sensation.

    3. Now imagine white light from the moon connecting to your crown chakra. Once you see that you are connected to the moon, its time to begin.

    4. Take your right hand and write the name of the person you wish to heal on you left palm. Use your first finger on your right hand to write. Carefully draw each letter individually. As you right the letters, envision the person face. Feel connected to them. Imagine them free of pain, or insanity. Imagine them happy.

    5. After you write the persons name cuff your hands 2 inches apart from each other.

    6. State to yourself your intentions for this person. As you repeat your intention, I want you to blow into the center of your cuffed hands. As you blow keep stating mentally your intentions. It is important.

    7. After you blow enough energy, which you will know, bring your hands right in front of your heart. Imagine green light coming from your heart and entering between your hands. This is healing energy. Keep stating your intentions, and the persons name.

    8. After you get enough healing energy, hold your hands in front of you and state aloud,

    ''With this healing energy from deep within my heart I wish to heal ______________ of any (psychical pain).''
    (or emotional drainage, anxiety, fear, worries, depression, etc.)

    After you are done programming the energy release it into the air and state aloud.

    ''Go now, energy, and do as I say. Find the one I speak of and fill ___________ with all the love and divine light I possess.''

    Continue to sit, or continue lying down. Feel your vibrations and imagine the white energy entering the person you wish to heal. Imagine the energy wrapping around their body, and healing them.

    Throughout the day remember to keep focusing on your intentions, and the energy surrounding that persons body. The stronger your trust in the energy, the more effective it will be.

    Cancer Technique:
    This technique helped me cure my friend from cancer. It really does work. I just envisioned white light entering the person body and turning into white knights that flowed through his body killed all the cancer cells, and damaged tissue. It helped his pain, and shocked his doctors with each check up.

    Good Luck! :D

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    #2467 - Remote Healing

    This is not a spell, but a technique. It does work.
    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Concentration
  • Your Hands
  • Your Energy
  • Self-Trust
  • Divine Light
  • Heart Chakra
  • Crown Chakra
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    You may need:

  • Meditation
  • Concentration
  • Your Hands
  • Your Energy
  • Self-Trust
  • Divine Light
  • Heart Chakra
  • Crown Chakra
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    This spell, technique, allows anyone to remotely heal someones psychical body, or emotional mentality. The choice is up to you.

    First thing first always ground yourself, and shield yourself.

    Sit, or ly, quietly in a comfortable position. Choose a place where you won't be interrupted.

    Grounding yourself: I like to vision a root of a tree growing beneath my feet and lowering itself deep into the ground and connecting within the earths core. Now you are able to use the earth energy below you. Once you feel you are connected then you can shield yourself.

    Shielding yourself: Imagine a white light coming from the moon and surrounding you like a bubble. Make sure you really envision it. Make it hollow. The bubble can be any color, but I use white for the light of the higher power.

    Now it's time to do the technique,

    1. You should be sitting, or lying down. Now, you should focus on your breathing. Listen and feel each inhale, and exhale.

    2. As you breath imagine white energy arising from the ground and entering the base of your feet. Imagine the energy flowing throughout your body. You should feel a tingling sensation.

    3. Now imagine white light from the moon connecting to your crown chakra. Once you see that you are connected to the moon, its time to begin.

    4. Take your right hand and write the name of the person you wish to heal on you left palm. Use your first finger on your right hand to write. Carefully draw each letter individually. As you right the letters, envision the person face. Feel connected to them. Imagine them free of pain, or insanity. Imagine them happy.

    5. After you write the persons name cuff your hands 2 inches apart from each other.

    6. State to yourself your intentions for this person. As you repeat your intention, I want you to blow into the center of your cuffed hands. As you blow keep stating mentally your intentions. It is important.

    7. After you blow enough energy, which you will know, bring your hands right in front of your heart. Imagine green light coming from your heart and entering between your hands. This is healing energy. Keep stating your intentions, and the persons name.

    8. After you get enough healing energy, hold your hands in front of you and state aloud,

    ''With this healing energy from deep within my heart I wish to heal ______________ of any (psychical pain).''
    (or emotional drainage, anxiety, fear, worries, depression, etc.)

    After you are done programming the energy release it into the air and state aloud.

    ''Go now, energy, and do as I say. Find the one I speak of and fill ___________ with all the love and divine light I possess.''

    Continue to sit, or continue lying down. Feel your vibrations and imagine the white energy entering the person you wish to heal. Imagine the energy wrapping around their body, and healing them.

    Throughout the day remember to keep focusing on your intentions, and the energy surrounding that persons body. The stronger your trust in the energy, the more effective it will be.

    Cancer Technique:
    This technique helped me cure my friend from cancer. It really does work. I just envisioned white light entering the person body and turning into white knights that flowed through his body killed all the cancer cells, and damaged tissue. It helped his pain, and shocked his doctors with each check up.

    Good Luck! :D

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    #2468 - Violet Healing Spell

    If you know somone who is ill or sick use this spell and await their recovery
    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • White yarn or string
  • scissors
  • Fresh Violets (whole with stems in holder or vase)
  • Black pen
  • Purple candle
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    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • White yarn or string
  • scissors
  • Fresh Violets (whole with stems in holder or vase)
  • Black pen
  • Purple candle
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    This is best done when the moon is full, but you can do it whenever you feel it necessary.

    Light the candle and fill the small vase with water.

    Place the freshly cut violets in the vase and say a chant, focusing on the well-being of the person and the healing of their ailment.

    Cut a heart out of the purple paper and write the name of the person on one side, and a short but heartfelt ''Get Well'' message on the other side.

    Poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and thread the white string through it, tie it, and attach it to the vase.

    Give the little vase of violets to the target person and await their recovery

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    #2469 - Have Fun When Sick

    It lets you have fun when your sick.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Take a shower or bath to relax yourself. As you are relaxing,take your temperature. Say, "Fever, fever go away. I don't want you here today". Over the next day, your fever will leave.

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    Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
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    #2470 - Mermaid Powers

    Spell to get mermaid powers. It takes two hours for two powers one hour for one power three hours for three powers and four hours for four powers.
    You may need:

  • Cup of water
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Picture of the moon
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    You may need:

  • Cup of water
  • Two pieces of paper
  • Picture of the moon
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    First off it has to be dark and you have to be inside and you need a picture of the full moon (can be drawn) and then you set a cup of water in the middle of a pentagram made into a circle made out of paper and then write down on a piece of paper what powers you want to be able to have (can have up to four powers) and then you place the piece of paper inside the cup of water and you look at the picture of the full moon for a couple of moments and then you say this chant five times.

    "Mermaids, mermaids of the deep, I shall be able to protect the ocean waters and myself from harm. I wish for the powers of () water. So grant me with these powers. So it shall be. So mote it be."

    And then it takes one hour for one power two hours for two powers three hours for three powers four hours for four powers. Side effects: if you choose a heat power you will feel hot often and if you choose a freeze power you will feel cold often, headaches, bellyaches, and that's mainly it.

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    Last edited on Oct 10, 2016
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    2943 Health Spells from Spell Casters