2959 Health Spells from Spell Casters
- Bloody Mary's Death Spell
- Fitness spell by Carmen211
- Banishing Negativity/depression/stress
- WeightLoss
- Death
- Searing Flame Meditation
- To Find Peace
- Werewolf
- Vampire
- Send Love To Another
#2211 - Bloody Mary's Death Spell
On this day, (name of offender) is dying. He/ she does not deserve life. (name of offender) is dying.
Next you have to place the paper ball on a stable surface and stab it as much as you can while imagining all the hate you can on the offender. If you hate this person so much you cry, this is fine. An emotional release is required here. Do this until you feel totally exhausted. Put as much energy as you can into the spell here.
I am curremtly testing the spell myself. Be sure to repeat on a regular basis for results. If you experience any problems with this spell, let me know. I will fix it if I can. Leave me a message if you have any problems with this. Remember, I did not make this spell. It was given to me. Do not give me the credit.
#2212 - Fitness spell by Carmen211
Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2213 - Banishing Negativity/depression/stress
Get skyclad. If you want light your favorite incense or scented candle. Take the makeup or paint and use it to write or draw on your body anything that's bothering you. Some examples: if you're having trouble with getting over an ex, you might write the persons name over your heart, or draw a broken heart. If you have undiagnosed symptoms you might draw a ? where the symptoms occur. If you're worried about money, maybe a $ on your forehead.
Think of everything that bothers you. As you write or draw, think about the problem and confront it. There's reasons it hurts or worries you, and that's ok. That's human nature. When you think about it and rationalize you can come to terms with it. That can be hard to do, so that's why I recommend repeating as necessary. This isn't an easy spell, it will hurt emotionally to confront these hurts, fears, and stresses, so let it out, cry, yell, beat up a pillow, whatever makes you feel better (as long as you're not hurting yourself, others or damaging property).
Once you've faced your issues, get a hot shower going. Get in and get a good lather going. As you wash off the makeup or paint, visualize those problems washing down the drain. Also visualize the soap as purifying white or healing green light. Put your head under the shower head and let the water wash it all away and cleanse your soul. Salt is known for it's purification qualities so if you have a salt scrub, use it when you start to feel better. When you feel calmer and like you're strong enough to face your problems (and all the makeup or paint is washed off), get out. You can follow this by taking a nap or having a snack to rejuvenate since it is exhausting.
Last edited on Jan 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2214 - WeightLoss
Visualize sky blue energy in and around yourself. Now hold it there, only this time visualize yourself as lighter and skinnier. Affirm "I am losing weight in a healthy way". Affirm 5-10 times. Be sure to repeat this spell on a regular basis to reinforce it.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2215 - Death
Visualize grey energy around but not in yourself. Now visualize this energy around the person you want to attack. Hold this visualization while affirming "the grey death energy is killing (name of person)". Affirm five to ten times. Please note that this must be done many times on a regular basis many times in order to work. Grey is ideal for this purpose and can cause a slow death if programmed to do so, but can really be used for anything negative.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2216 - Searing Flame Meditation
Get into your most comfortable position, and close your eyes. Clear your mind and envision a pink light shining in your heart chakra. Feel it's warmth and loving energy flowing out of your chest, and manifesting as a small, pink flame. Visualize this flame growing bigger and spreading to every inch of your body until you are completely engulfed in this beautiful flame of love.
Envision in your mind that this flame is revealing all of the negative energy in your body for you to see. Now see the flame growing warmer, and hotter, and brighter, and brighter, burning away all of the negative energy in every inch of your body, leaving you clean, and glowing with light and purity. Stay in this meditation as long as you want after this point.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2217 - To Find Peace
At night before you go to sleep lay on you back on your bed or where ever you feel comfortable. Lay on your back and have your hands at your sides. Close your eyes and say to yourself in your head till you fall asleep:
"Stop willing.
Stop desiring.
Stop hating".
By the next day or so you should find peace in the most difficult times or the most happiest times.
Last edited on Jan 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2218 - Werewolf
"Blue eyes dark fur
Moonlight draw me in
Quinch my thirst
Coursing veins
Let my body feel no pain"
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2219 - Vampire
"Shadow black as night
Skin white as snow
Bblood lover who can hover
And can run as fast as a car
Whose eyes twinkle like a star
Vampire vampire
Ishall die and be reborn
Dark and evil"
Last edited on Jan 05, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#2220 - Send Love To Another
After casting the circle and centering your mind and energies, focus on only good emotions and thoughts of love and peace. Focus on the Goddess and the person you want to send your love to.
Write the name of the person on the paper, you can add drawings, runes, symbols, poetry, reinforcing words (Like strong, happy, carefree), etc. Then hold the paper in your hand and put the rose petals in the center and sprinkle the rosemary on top of it, and say;
''A rose is strong, a rose is love
A symbol of the Goddess above.
And this herb of comforting feeling
friendship, love and healing
Rose petals and Rosemary
May it all be peaceful and merry.''
Roll the paper up until it looks similar to a cigarette and the paper is wrapped around the petals and rosemary and keeping it together. Hold it over the cauldron or fire proof dish or bowl and take the lighter.
Burn one end and let it burn like incense in the cauldron until it burns up. Say:
''And as the fire grows and grows
May my love and will be shown
By the Goddess, I ask that *Name* gets what they need
May love come and *name* be freed.''
When all the rose petals, paper and rosemary is burned up, the message has been sent.
I use this spell a lot myself, and you can play around with it by adding more herbs or even oils if you'd like. Its simple but effective.
Last edited on Jul 31, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.