The angry eye makes you do objects or people get hurt or broken.
You may need:
You may need:
Look at the object or person. Concentrate a lot but not too hard. Once you see something bad happen, you succeed. And if it doesn't work then keep trying.
First, enter their mind. If you don't know how, just imagine a line of energy running from your mind to your victim I mean willing voulenteer. Then, act as if it's a bridge, and walk over the bridge with your minds self.
Then, in your "willing voulenteer's" mind, find their minds self, who looks just like them. However you attack their minds self, they shall feel pain. The same goes for you. If you want to leave, juat walk over the mimd bridge.
To protect yourself from sich attacks, fight back! Their mindsnself can get hurt in your mind too. Plus, your mind is your domain. Make some TNT blow up in their gace or something.
On tuesday take a red stone, channel all your anger and hate into this until its hot. Then throw into a stream or water and say 'Anger in this stone is gone where none may find it. Water bind it '
Look at person. Imagine the worst death to them and their loved ones. At your home chant "Hell will come devour thee. Let their spirt never free. You have done bad to me. Hell will come devour thee!"
This is a quickly learn-able spell that I've used to heal sickness from colds to pneumonia.
You may need:
You may need:
Center yourself, and your patient through meditation. Form the psi ball and hold it in your projective hand. Locate the center of the disease or disorder in your patient. Press the ball into them, and use your third eye, or second sight, to view the disease and your psi ball. Use the psi ball to absorb the negative energy from the patients disease, by replacing your healthy and positive energy, with the diseases negative energy.
Pull the tainted psi ball out when all of the positive energy is gone, or at a point where you feel you can not finish. If you can, seal the negative energy in a stone or amulet, if not, disperse it. Then place your projective hand were the psi ball went in, and flood your patient with any positive healing energy you can spare.
As a warning, this spell can take allot out of both the caster and the patient. The spell relies on your stamina and control.
As you sit and prepare for the spell, visualize the person who is in need of healing. Hold them in your mind as you take their picture in your hands. Place the picture to the side and scoop out some brown sugar. It should fill the bottle half way. If you have other ground healing herbs (cinnamon or lavender work well), drop a little bit of those in as well. Take the picture of the person, a piece of paper with their name can substitute, and place it in the jar so it sits in the sugar. Cap the jar tight and visualize the energy brewing within the jar. Begin shaking the jar up and down say,
''Sweetness bind your blood and bone,
Sweetness to your strength
Sweetness build you up and up,
Sweetness dull your pain.''
Say this three times as you shake. When you are done, go outside. Take the cap off the jar and pull out the picture, or name, of the person. Pour the contents of the jar out on the earth. Keep the picture for yourself or give it to the person.