2477 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters
- Luscious Locks and Beautiful Eyes
- Temporary No Pain
- Neko (Revenge)
- Another World Skills
- 3 Spells in One
- Calmness, Memory, and Thinking
- Reflect Instinct
- Fast Book Reading
- Dragon Force for Beginners
- Dragon Force *Tested*
#1251 - Luscious Locks and Beautiful Eyes
Wet your hair, make sure it's COMPLETELY soaked. Set down your pentagram on a flat surface. Then set your LIT candle in the center of the pentagram. Make your middle and index fingers touch one of the points on the pentagram, and have your other hand hovering above the candle. When you feel the heat from the candle going through your hand burn 2 of your flower petals in the flames, then say this spell 2x.
"Luscious locks is what I want, and (any color) eyes that I may flaunt, stretch my hair and make it grow, like a river going to and fro, no knots in my hair are to be found, it grows until it touches the ground, glimmering in the dark of night, my eyes shall show but not too bright, my eyes shall shine like the evening star, they shall be the prettiest by far, oh goddess Aphrodite of love and beauty, this is my will so mote it be!"
Then burry the ashes from the flower petals and the pentagram you used somewhere safe. After you burry these things put both hands on the place of which you buried them and say: "this is my will, so mote it be".
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1252 - Temporary No Pain
Place a hand on where it is in pain, apply very little pressure then say this outloud:
"Pain fly out of my skin
Dissapear into the air
So might
So thin"
Say this 5 to 10 times and the pain should fade.
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1253 - Neko (Revenge)
Sit cross-legged. Put the picture on the floor in front of you. Put one red ribbon and one gold ribbon above it and say : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! This way (enemy's name) will become, a neko (enemy's name) will be! This red ribbon of neko (enemy's name) will be. Gold ribbon of cute for (enemy's name)! Neko (enemy's name) will be! So mote it be!"
Now wear the red ribbon on your neck and hair. Put 3 black candles in front of you. Put the milk with fish inside of black candles triangle. Put the fur of a cat and the fur of a cat inside the milk. Visualise your enemy's changing into the neko
Drink the milk but (the hard step is) don't drink the two furs and fish! Wait until the black candles turned off. And then before 3 hours, go to your enemy's bed and put the fur above his/her nose! Make sure its night and the enemy's sleeping
The reverse spell (Not always worked) : "Goddess of Cat and Neko! Let me take control! Neko, oh Neko of you, Oh neko (enemy's name). I will turn you back to be a human (enemy's name)! Neko you will be if you make me mad again! I'm avenged because you're neko for (how many days)! I'm just say, "Neko, neko, change (enemy's name" and you will be a neko again! So mote it be!"
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1254 - Another World Skills
Stand Up
Say this :
"I wish to locate me in another world, locate me now! Before of that, give me knowledge of language and knowledge of transforming there! No die and no pain shall I feel! Locate me and give me knowledge! So mote it be!"
Before 3 hours, teleport into another world! Or you will feel an absolutely really hurt pain!
Works for me before going into the dragon world! I've make no friends in there anyway!
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1255 - 3 Spells in One
Not worked for everyone but worked for me!
For the 1st :
Sit down normally and grab the lotion
Say while grabbing :
"Oh hidden water, colourful you are! I wish to take a control of you! Nose you will change for! Let me breathe freely, water! So please it be!"
Open the lotion and soft it to your nose! You should breathe better than anyone!
For the 2nd :
Sit down normally and say :
"Goddess of Water, Fish, and Mermaids! Hear me now! Let me have invisible gills on my neck! So I can breathe like fishes and swimming in the sea! So please let it be! So mote it be!"
For the 3rd :
Sit and put the candles in front of you
Light it up and say :
"Dragons of dragons! Hear me now! Let me show everyone how strong are you! Give me the fire breathe of you that everyone will never have! So shall it be, honour and thanks I have given to you! So let it be, Dragon! So mote it be!"
*** Side Effects ***
Feels your nose is stronger
Feels a thing on your neck
Something element inside your body
Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1256 - Calmness, Memory, and Thinking
Sit cross-legged. Put the candles circling you. Light them up and say :
*** For Calmness :"God of Friends, I need you now! Make me fully calm and have no angry from now until tonight! For honour and thanks if you give me! Please let it be! So mote it be!"
*** For Memory :"God of Athena and God of Memories! I need you now. Make my mind can remember more than anyone, make me remember longer than anyone! Please let it be if you want it! This is my wishes! So mote it be!"
*** For Thinking :"God of Mind, make people think about me with what I want! They will not think of what I don't want! This is my wish, (what are your wishes). Please let it be because this is my wish! So mote it be!"
Breathe all smoke from candle after saying the spells! Breath until the candles has stopped!
Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1257 - Reflect Instinct
Turn off the lamp (optional)
Sit cross-legged and say :
''Dragons, hear to me and come to me! Give me your eyes and instinct, so I can reflect and dodge any movements. See me and Tell me, give your eyes and instinct! Honor for you if you give me! For its my will! Please give me! So mote it be!''
Visualising an aura entering your body
*** Side Effects ***
Headache for 5 minutes after visualising
Fast mind
#1258 - Fast Book Reading
If you use candles, make a circle around you (zig zag)
Say this :
''Goddess of Athena, let me read books faster than now! Fast is what I want! Give me this skill! So please make it be! Mote it be!
Do this every 3 days until 10 times and above for fully effects
*** Side Effects ***
Open mind for reading fast
#1259 - Dragon Force for Beginners
Sit down cross-legged. Say the same sayings like in the normal Dragon Force spells. But the difference is, do it every 1 day and every 3 days when you done this 3 times.
Last edited on May 27, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.
#1260 - Dragon Force *Tested*
Circling your 6 Candles (zig zag pose)
Concentration and say :
''Oh, (sky/fire/water/earth/etc) dragons! Hear me and come to me! Let me have your force! This is my skill and I give you thanks for giving me if you want! So please let I have it!''
Turn off the candles and hide them!
Do it per 3 days and after 10 times doing this. Do it every 7 days for fully forcing skill!
*** How to do & use ***
Just concentrate, eat, or breathe the element you have! And concentrate your dragon force to your body, so it can fully renew your body to be stronger!
If you says, ''Dragon Force'', It can help to renew your body!
All of this will take fully effect after doing this 3 times!
*** List of Skills Gained ***
Sky Dragon : Higher speed, higher regeneration, higher agility, but lower defences
Fire Dragon : Higher attacks, but lower agility
Water Dragon : Higher agility, higher ability, but lower defences
Earth Dragon : Higher defences, but lower speeds
*** Side effects ***
Feels like be stronger
Contact me for more dragon's elements! Or if you need the infos! (wmarvell007)