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2469 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Covens Spell Casters  ► Spell Casters's Spellbooks  ► 2469 Beauty Spells
2469 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters

Included in this list of 2469 Beauty Spells
  1. Wolf Neko (Okami) Spell
  2. Christen Protection
  3. Graceful
  4. Turn Into Any Creature
  5. Mermaid Spell
  6. Simple Healing
  7. Physical Body Change
  8. Element Armor
  9. Enhanced Speed & Strength
  10. Self Confidence Spell

#1221 - Wolf Neko (Okami) Spell

This spell will make you have wolf ears, a wolf tail, sharp teeth, and claws.
You may need:

  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Paper (optional)
  • The ability to read
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    You may need:

  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Paper (optional)
  • The ability to read
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    1. (Optional:) Draw or imagine yourself with your desired wolf ears, tail, claws, sharp teeth, etc. If you choose to imagine yourself with the wolf parts, do that as you say the spell. If you choose to draw yourself with the wolf parts, hold the drawing as you say the spell

    2. Say this three times: ''Universe, please listen to me
    Give me claws and sharp teeth
    I would also like to have a (color) wolf tail and my human ears change to (color) wolf ears and these changes shall come even if it takes years
    These new parts shall show and hide themselves whenever I please, so let it be.''

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1222 - Christen Protection

    Ward off evil spirits for as long as you live.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Go around your house 7 times and say "Jesus" each complete circle and thats it.

    Added to on Aug 01, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1223 - Graceful

    It should help you be or feel more graceful.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Chant the following:

    "Graceful graceful I shall be
    Like wind dancing through grass
    And humming through trees
    Light on my feet
    Like a ballerina
    Leaping upon que"

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1224 - Turn Into Any Creature

    Just as the spell says- use this spell to turn into any fiction or non-fictional creature.
    You may need:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be
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    You may need:

  • Anything to represent the creature you want to be
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    Get the Items or Drawings or Pictures (of the Items if it's picture or Drawing) to represent your creature and say this chant two times: "O' please all dimensions gather for this moment, please make me a (Creature you want to be then say the details in advance of what powers you want, Ect. It's best to write it all down on a spare piece sheet of paper before you do this.) Please oh please may this happen"

    Then keep the items with you for at least 2 Hours before putting them in the bin ( only bin if it's Drawing or Picture) and if the dimension agrees to it then you will eventually get your powers, weapons, behaviors, etc.

    Added to on Jul 31, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1225 - Mermaid Spell

    This spell is made up so no mean messages if it doesn't work.
    You may need:

  • Have to be wet
  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Have to be wet
  • Nothing
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    Say this spell 5-10 times (say it 10 for better effect.)

    ''Mermaids mermaids don't fail me now to give me a tail and power(s). Please let me become this, a mermaid. A mermaid with a (tail colour) tail to swim as fast as the dolphins can. A mermaid who has the power(s) of (choose power or powers) which I can use in mermaid or human form. I would like to get my tail and power(s) in the (morning or afternoon, you choose) at (time you will get tail and power(s). This is what I wish to be. So mote it be''

    No mean messages if this doesn't work.

    Added to on Jul 30, 2014
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1226 - Simple Healing

    This spell heals small cuts and bruises. Completely works, tested before posted.
    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    You may need:

  • Nothing
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    Place your hand over the hurt area, close your eyes and (say, whisper, shout): "Tui Gratia Lovis Gratia Sit Cura"

    You can chant it if you like, it would certainly speed up the process and make the spell more powerful. Remember, this spell only works on SMALL cuts and miscellaneous bruises, but it can heal bigger cuts and bruises the more powerful you are.

    Added to on Jul 29, 2014
    Last edited on Jan 27, 2019
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1227 - Physical Body Change

    Change your body with this spell.
    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Quartz crystal
  • String
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    You may need:

  • Small piece of paper
  • Pen
  • Quartz crystal
  • String
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    Take paper and write your name on it. Draw which part of the body you would like to change and what you want to look like. If wanting to change more than one area, draw the whole body and mark where you would like to change.

    Hold paper in your hands and imagine the body part changing from what it looks like now to what you want it to look like. Fold paper up anyway you like and tie it to the crystal.
    Once more visualise the body part changing.

    When you feel the changes taking place, untie the string and scatter into the wind. If you wish, you can bury the crystal to signify the fact that you have internalised the changes you have made.

    Added to on Jul 28, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 08, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1228 - Element Armor

    Make an elemental armor.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Take the energy from the source of what ever and guide it along in to your body then out in the form of armor. If you want earth armor, you must be outside touching the ground. Air armor you must be near a source of wind. For water, you must be holding or touching water. And for fire, you need a source of heat.

    Added to on Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 07, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1229 - Enhanced Speed & Strength

    Two differant spells. One enhances speed the other strength.
    You may need:

  • Water
  • A bowl
  • A bird feather (clean it)
  • Two drops of horse blood
  • Energy drink
  • Bone of a wolf (any small one)
  • Two drops of wolf blood
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    You may need:

  • Water
  • A bowl
  • A bird feather (clean it)
  • Two drops of horse blood
  • Energy drink
  • Bone of a wolf (any small one)
  • Two drops of wolf blood
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    Speed spell:
    Stir the water around in the bowl with the feather while canting, "Spirits I ask of thee, increase my speed. I wish to run fast. Faster than most. Will this be." Drop the blood in "Blood of a horse, majestic, strong, and fast. Spirits, I ask of thee to give me the speed of this great stallion. Let me run fast as the wind. Faster if needed. I need this spell for (tell thespirits why you need it) hear my plea. Will this be." Drink the mix. After 24 hours you will be faster.

    Strength spell:
    Mix the energy drink and water in the bowl. Stir with the bone. Chanting. " Energy and strength is what I need, spirits, with this wolves bone, I absorb his strength. I wish to be stronger because (tell them why)." Add the blood. "Blood of a might wolf, fierce, clever, and strong. With this blood, I absorb his mighty strength to better myself. Hear my plea spirits and will this be" Drink the mix. In 24 hours you will be stronger.

    Added to on Jul 25, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    #1230 - Self Confidence Spell

    This spell helps your self confidence and body confidence go higher!
    You may need:

  • mirror
  • paper
  • scissors
  • red marker, pen, or paint.
  • Voice
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    You may need:

  • mirror
  • paper
  • scissors
  • red marker, pen, or paint.
  • Voice
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    1. Cut out a heart in the paper
    2. Hold it in your hand and don't crush it
    3. look in the mirror and say;

    " I am beauty, I am handsome, my love is soon to come. This is my heart, which helps me love myself, from the end, to the start. So mote it be."

    Note: When you say " This is my heart ," hold up your heart. Keep the heart with you as much as possible. You can do this how ever many times you want to, but i suggest doing this 3 times- Moring, mid day, and afternoon.

    Tell me if it worked! Thanks for using it!

    Added to on Jul 24, 2014
    Last edited on Jul 01, 2017
    Part of the Spell Casters Library.

    2469 Beauty Spells from Spell Casters