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28 Spiritual Spells from Shaman's Way

Covens Shaman's Way  ► Shaman's Way's Spellbooks  ► 28 Spiritual Spells
28 Spiritual Spells from Shaman's Way

Included in this list of 28 Spiritual Spells
  1. Contact the Dead
  2. Become a Certain Animal
  3. Bless a Magical Pen
  4. A Fire Protection Spell
  5. Purification
  6. To Protect Children
  7. Earth Protection Bottle
  8. An Earth Charm
  9. To Lose Your Troubles
  10. Warrior's Spell
#1 - #10
#21 - #28

#1 - Contact the Dead

A voodoo spell to get in touch with the dead.
You may need:

  • Black cloth
  • Incense sticks
  • Red scented candle
  • Ivory candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Manuka oil
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    You may need:

  • Black cloth
  • Incense sticks
  • Red scented candle
  • Ivory candle
  • Bowl of water
  • Manuka oil
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    On a black cloth arrange incense sticks in the shape of a triangle. Light a red (rose petal) scented candle inside the triangle with an ivory candle. On a piece of paper write the name of the deceased person who you want to contact. In a little bowl, place some water. Place inside the triangle.

    Rub some manuka oil on the paper. Burn it with the ivory candle. Mix the ashes of the paper in the water and say the following: "Oh life beyond life itself. Come forth, as I call out to thee. Speak through the clear still water like I speak through a mirror to me".

    After saying this spell, the spirit of the dead shall appear in the water as a reflection, in order to communicate. If the water stirs, the spirits have arisen. If it does not do not repeat the spell for another 10 mins, but try again there after. Once you are certain you have a medium of communication with the dead stop reciting the spell

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    #2 - Become a Certain Animal

    To permantely gain an animals characteristics.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    This is to be done during the waxing moon for best results.

    "I call to herne, the hunter of all
    and ask that he aid me and answer my call.
    bring from within me the traits that I seek
    and allow me to link with the animal deep
    I ask of the hunter to find, if I may
    the (insert animal here) within me here on this day."

    To finish you may wish to make a noise assosiated witht the animal eg. howl for a wolf and else give thanks to herne the hunter for his aid. i would also suggest a session of meditation before the spell is cast on the animal that you wish to become more like, before and after.

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    #3 - Bless a Magical Pen

    This spells is to empower a pen used to write for rituals and spells.
    You may need:

  • New Moon
  • Consecrated Water
  • Crushed Roses
  • Salt
  • Pen
  • Glass
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    You may need:

  • New Moon
  • Consecrated Water
  • Crushed Roses
  • Salt
  • Pen
  • Glass
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    When there's a new moon, fill a glass with consecrated water, (hope you have) and add some crushed roses, and a pitch of salt place the pen in glass, and the glass where the moon shines directly on it, burn some protection incense, visualize the pen being charged with a blue light, Chant 3 or more times:

    "nk so (color) as the (comparation)
    always write with te truth,
    three times said,
    three times blessed
    with the moonlight.
    Blessed be
    serve me right
    serve m only,
    So mote it be!"

    The next day it will be blessed,

    Note: Use this pen only to write spells or in ritual only.

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    #4 - A Fire Protection Spell

    Protection through fire magick.
    You may need:

  • Wood
  • Matches
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • Wood
  • Matches
  • Water
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    In a clear spot at least 20 feet in diameter, gather together plenty of wood, matches, and a quantity of water. Taking up one of the sticks of wood, draw a rough circle about 11 feet in diameter. Determine the directions(use a compass. the sun, moon, stars) and lay a small fire at each point just inside the cricle: north, south, east, west.

    Lay the fires, but do not light them. Next to each, place enough fuel to keep them burning at least half an hour.

    Walking up to the south first, light the fire, shouting these words as you do:

    Nothing from the south can harm me!

    Move to the west.
    Light the fire and say:

    Nothing from the west can harm me!

    Then to the north and repeat, and finally the east.

    Snatch up a burning stick from the southern fire and thrust it at the sky above you(be careful of burning sparks and ashes) and say:

    Nothing from above can harm me!

    Next throw the flaming wood on the earth and say:

    Nothing from below can harm me!

    Replace the stick in the southern fire and sit in the center of the circle, watching the fires burn. As necessary, add more fuel. Know that the fires are literally burning away all that comes to harm you, on every level.

    Firmly implant in your mind the sight of the fires burning around you, the feel of their heat(which can become intense), their light, and their protective qualities.

    When the fires begin to die and you feel the power ebbing, bury the fires with earth or sand, douse with water, and obliterate the circle you've drawn on the ground.

    Leave the area but retain the fiery circle of protection within your memory, so that it can be recalled at any time you feel the need for protection: physical, spiritual, or mental.

    If you are prevented from performing this ritual outdoors, substitue four large red candles for the fires. Proceed with the spell above, lighting the candles rather than fires, until all four are lit and you have said the words.

    Then, instead of taking a burning stick, pick up the southern candle and hold it carefully over your head. Say the words, then place the candle on the ground, saying those words. When the ritual is done, pinch out the candles, beginning with the west (never blow them out).

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    #5 - Purification

    Purification with fire magick.
    You may need:

  • Fire (of course)
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    You may need:

  • Fire (of course)
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    If you wish to be free from habit, thought, idea, past associations, guilt, or blockage; take the symbols of that problem--whatever it may be-- and throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the power they had over you.

    For the symbols, think a moment--if you overeat, take a portion of your favorite food and throw it in. For smoking or drinking, do the same. For problems that utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image and burn it.

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    #6 - To Protect Children

    Protect children with earth magick.
    You may need:

  • Handful of Earth
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    You may need:

  • Handful of Earth
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    To protect children while they are away throw a handful of earth or sand after them as they leave, without their knowledge. This will ensure their safety.

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    #7 - Earth Protection Bottle

    Bottle of Earth to protect you.
    You may need:

  • Bottle
  • Fresh Soil
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    You may need:

  • Bottle
  • Fresh Soil
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    Into a long, small bottle, pour fresh clean soil. Fill it to the top and cap it. Place this bottle near the entrance, preferably in a window, to guard against evil entering your home.

    In past ages earth was thought to confound evil spirits and demons, who had to count every grain of earth in the bottle before entering the dwelling.

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    #8 - An Earth Charm

    Simple charm from the Earth.
    You may need:

  • Green Cloth
  • Fresh soil
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    You may need:

  • Green Cloth
  • Fresh soil
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    Tie up in a small green square of cloth some fresh, rich soil. Firmly tie this so no earth can escape.

    Carry this with you if you have troubles with stability, security, and self-control. If you are apt to let your emotions rule your life or if you are constantly angry or nervous, this amulet of earth will help.

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    #9 - To Lose Your Troubles

    Another Earth element spell that can help you with your problems.
    You may need:

  • Handful of Dirt
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    You may need:

  • Handful of Dirt
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    Take a handful of earth and gaze into it; pour into it all your problems. Outline, in minute detail, all of those problems plaguing you.

    When you are finished, throw the dirt behind you and walk away from it, not turning back.

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    #10 - Warrior's Spell

    To turn aside harm from a fighting man
    You may need:

  • one mandrake or bronze fennel root
  • incense
  • orange candle
  • salt
  • red cotton yarn
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    You may need:

  • one mandrake or bronze fennel root
  • incense
  • orange candle
  • salt
  • red cotton yarn
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    During the third or tenth hour after sunset, take one mandrake
    or bronze fennel root, and pass it through incense smoke and
    a candle flame. Then sprinkle with water and salt, saying:
    I consecrate this root by the powers of the elementals that it
    may be cleansed and purified to aid in my work.'

    Set the root on a pentacle, saying:
    ''Little man, listen to me.
    I'll dress thee and keep thee in my company,
    that thou turn aside harm from my fighting man,
    that he return safely as soon as he can.''

    Wrap the root in red cotton yarn. Raise energy and direct it
    into the rootman, saying:

    ''In the eye of Mars, by the fires of fury,
    let my warrior be steadfast, safe-kept, and victorious.''

    Wrap the root in a red cloth and hide in a safe place. Keep it
    there until the warrior returns, then unbind the root and bury it.

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    28 Spiritual Spells from Shaman's Way
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #28