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3 Trick Spells from Deep Arts

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3 Trick Spells from Deep Arts

Included in this list of 3 Trick Spells
  1. To Bring Clarity
  2. Telepathy
  3. Chronokinesis
#1 - #3

#1 - To Bring Clarity

This is a spell to advance Psychicism, or clear things up in your mind, dealing with pychicism,(also works for other gifts, just ask before use, they have a list of the abilities it works for) by Willow13.
You may need:

  • Tarot Cards: The Star, High Priestess, and Hermit
  • A candle
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    You may need:

  • Tarot Cards: The Star, High Priestess, and Hermit
  • A candle
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    Part 1:

    The layout of this spell takes the shape of a crown,because a crown sits atop the head, and expands consciousness,awareness outside the senses.
    The cards you need to remove from the deck are:
    -The Star
    -The High Priestess
    -The Hermit

    The Star represents inspiration and guidance from supernatural and cosmic forces.It complements and gives power to the High Priestess, the card which focuses the mind,devolping intuition and listening to inner voices.The Hermit stands for revations and interpretation of knowledge.
    You need a candle place a foot or even a few inches away from the cards, not yet in position.
    Pull up in a chair or sit on a bed or even the floor, somewhere comforable, and relaxing.
    The candle color can be blue, for looking inward.Or white for all-purpose intuition.or even purple for pychicism and spirituality.

    There are 4 parts to this spell,preparation, meditation, visualization, and affirmation.

    The prep part is finished.:)

    Part 2:

    When ready, light the candle. For a duration of 3 seconds, to 3 minutes focus on the flame. Clear your mind as you do this. Then close your eyes and envision the flame still in your mind.

    After you are done, concentrating on the flame, place the star in place.
    Meditation on the flame should take anywhere fron 5 to 15 minutes, but do not move the Star card, until ready to proceed.

    Part 3:(The heart of the spell)

    Once the Star is set in place, visualize yourself walking alongside a lake, under a star filled sky. From time to time, you dip your feet into the water. Feel the coolness of the water against your skin, feel you are one with the lake, and the land and the stars.
    Feel the connection, with growing intensity as you connect with the Stars.
    Spread your arms outward( both in actuality and visualization lol) and say this

    ''I call upon the wide ranging powers!
    I call upon all good and friendly.
    spritis of guidance Aid me now in my clarity or opening of my psychic centers!Help me learn to open myself, to the knowledge and guidance which I seek!''

    Next Set the High Priestess in postition.
    Image you are still walkinmg along the lake and you come to a temple. The temple can take whatever form your mind creates. Visualize yourself going up to it and trying the doors. They are locked.
    You try again and as soon as your hand touches the doorhandle is swings open. You enter the temple, again let your mind furnish it.Say this aloud

    ''I unlock the doors,
    I enter the temple,
    I go within,
    I am one with the secret knowledge.
    I see with other eyes, I hear with other ears. I feel with other senses.''

    Now set the hermit in place.
    Envision yourself going deeper into the temple, letting your mind decorate several rooms. Finally you pass through a room with pillars, the same pillars from the high priestess card.
    There is an altar in the middle of the pillars. On the altar is Your candle, flame just as you meditated back to in the beginning.
    You walk up to the candle and feel the warmth of it under your hands.and say:

    ''All is made clear, hidden knowledge is brought forth in the light of understanding.''

    Then you are no longer in the temple. You are home in your comfortable place, with your cards and candle.

    Part 4:

    Do the following exercise: Start expanding your conscious mind outward in a spiral pattern.Start with your body. Make your senses circle around, taking all sights and sounds. Scan in an ever-widening spiral the room you are sitting in, the rest of the house, your yard, your street, your neighborhood,ranging further still, your town, county, state, country, thw world, our solar system, the universe. The carefullt, reverse or retrace your steps all the way back home, until you open your eyes.

    Say this:

    ''I am open and receptive
    to higher levels of consciousness.
    Spirits of guidance are here for me
    and I channel the knowledge they offer.
    I am open and receptive
    My psychic centers are quicked.
    I open my eyes and ears
    to all impressions, and intuitions
    that are coming to me.
    I spread the veil of Being
    that I may look beyond.
    I open the windows of Where and When
    and I see beyond.''

    Relax and if you just openned the pyschic wall- let the new thoughts and visions come to your mind.

    For those of us who used this to clear pesky thoughts and worries in out psychic lives, work over the problem again and you just may find the answer.


    I hope many of you try it, and find the results and benefits you all deserve.

    I will be gone for a few days, but i shall be back soon.
    I wanted to end on this note:

    No matter what you find, Trying and making an effort creates experience and wisdom:)
    Blessed be, Will

    The book is called:
    Tarot spells by: Janina Renee

    The pychicism it represents is empathy and precognition.That's all it says.
    No, I didnt copy the spell word for word, I changed it a bit, to my liking,in a way that works better, thats why I didnt add the link. Sorry!

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    Last edited on Aug 22, 2016
    Part of the Deep Arts Library.

    #2 - Telepathy

    In this exercise will teach you how to send message using mind power.
    You may need:

  • friends/partner who know how to meditate
  • good visualization
  • know how to focus
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    You may need:

  • friends/partner who know how to meditate
  • good visualization
  • know how to focus
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    After this exercise you'll be very very tired and will have headache. So if you dont want to fainted for a weak, dont do this practice often.

    You and your friend must sit across each other. Your friend should know how to meditate because he need his mind to be clear and blank to receive your message.

    First visualize a color(dont tell your friend what it is and wait until you are done sending him to ask him about what he see). Now try to will that color from your mind to your friend. For me i visualize the color come out from my 3rd eye and move to his 3rd eye.

    If you succeed the, first color he see is what you send to him. You can try to visualize number or word if you already master the color.

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    Part of the Deep Arts Library.

    #3 - Chronokinesis

    This is a technique to slow time. Not time travel or stop time. No one ever done that before unless its in dream or what they call as astral.
    You may need:

  • a watch
  • focus
  • will power
  • and a qiute place to do this exercise
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    You may need:

  • a watch
  • focus
  • will power
  • and a qiute place to do this exercise
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    First you need to be in a quite room. It will be hard to focus is someone running around you.

    Now listen to the beats and begin to realize that time isn't real. Now listen to the beats getting slow or faster. Do this for a few minutes and then listen, if the beats are closer or farther apart you've done it. Practice this enough and eventually you won't need a clock.

    Note: This does not truly slow down or speed up time but rather it changes your perception of time. ~Neorsa (not the original poster)

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    Part of the Deep Arts Library.

    3 Trick Spells from Deep Arts
    #1 - #3