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41 Spiritual Spells from Deep Arts

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41 Spiritual Spells from Deep Arts

Included in this list of 41 Spiritual Spells
  1. Salt Protection
  2. Separation Spell
  3. Mirror Sheild
  4. Satanic Protection
  5. Energy Share
  6. Spiritual Cleanse
  7. Seven knobbed candle spell for overcoming enemies
  8. Seance Protection Candle Spell
  9. Evil Eye Removal Spell
  10. Ajenjible Banishing Spell
#11 - #20
#31 - #40
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#11 - Salt Protection

Simple spell of protection by AdeptNymph.
You may need:

  • Sea Salt (NOT table salt)
  • Blessed & Consecrated Silver Glitter
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    You may need:

  • Sea Salt (NOT table salt)
  • Blessed & Consecrated Silver Glitter
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    1. In a clean crystal bowl, mix the sea salt and the glitter then swish the bowl to mix. (3/4 salt 1/4 glitter)

    2. Hold up the bowl to the sun so that the light shines on the contents and ask that your needs for protection be met.

    3. Lightly sprinkle the sea salt inside and out of each door or window that leads to the outside while chanting your needs. You may call upon your favorite saint or deity to assist you. I generally chant something simple so that reading off paper is not necessary, such as..

    Lord and Lady hear my plea Protect this home, protect me. Keep evils and ills at bay All things bad must stay away.

    I also like to sprinkle the salt at the entrance of my garage and at the driveway.

    By AdeptNymph.

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    #12 - Separation Spell

    This spell is to separate yourself from a bad relationship.
    You may need:

  • 1 black stone
  • 1 body of water (optional)
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    You may need:

  • 1 black stone
  • 1 body of water (optional)
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    This spell includes words to be said. You can either use my words or make up something similar of your own that is appropriate to the relationship you want to end. Israfel's words

    "From now until the end of days, let us two go our separate ways. I wish no harm to come to s/he that loves and wants to be with me. I want him/her well I want him/her fine, I just don't want him/her to be mine."

    PS: Please use EITHER him OR her and EITHER he OR she. The meter of the chant just doesn't work if you don't choose one or the other.

    Now you take the stone with you to someplace peaceful outside where you won't be disturbed. If there's a body of water (lake, river, stream, ocean whatever) nearby, try to find a place near it. If not somewhere in the woods is fine. Really anywhere you can be without being discovered/disturbed.

    For this spell it is important that you can be outside. If you live in a big city, try to find a park or something. Walk around till you find the right spot (only you will know where that is when you find it, listen to your intuition).

    Sit down, center and ground yourself. Make sure you are well centered and grounded but for this spell it is actually best if you stay unshielded. You are trying to purge yourself of something and if you have shields up some might not get out. Once you feel centered, grounded and at peace in this place, take the stone in your right hand. Put the stone in the palm of your right hand and focus on how you feel about the one you would like to end the relationship with. Focus on every little detail. Picture every detail of your feelings for them. Spend a few minutes getting the total feeling very clear in your heart.

    Now chant the spell 9 times while picturing all those feelings being channeled into the stone. The first three times you chant the spell, say it in a whisper. Each time you should be focusing all your attention on the meaning of the words and pouring all your feelings for the person into the stone. The second three times you should say it in a soft voice, louder than the first three. While you say it the second three times, you should be able to see all of your pain and love and infatuation and feelings for that person flowing into the stone. Picture it filling up with them, it is a vessel for everything you are leaving behind. The third and final three times you should say it in a louder voice than the second. You don't have to yell but use a firm voice. As you say the last 3 iterations, you should be feeling the last remnants of what you feel for them flowing into the stone. Picture it ebbing away into nothingness.

    When you are finished with the 9th repetition, you should be able to feel an empty place inside yourself where the feeling used to be. The empty place will feel sad and hollow for a while, but it won't be as painful as the love/infatuation that you have now. Give this spell at least a month for full results. Bad relationships are painful, some would say they hurt more than a broken leg. Magic can't cure a broken leg in a few days, there's no reason to think it would cure heartache in a few days either.

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    #13 - Mirror Sheild

    Another shielding method.
    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Will
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    You may need:

  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Will
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    Focus all energy to your core (bellybutton area), and see this energy turn white (or some other color you like) and force it out of your body.

    Make this orb turn into large mirrors that surround your body.

    The mirror can be whatever type of mirror you'd like for it to be, one complete mirror, or separate ones. The color has to be a color you feel safe with, as it will help boost the protective nature of the shield.

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    #14 - Satanic Protection

    Satanic Prayer for Protection
    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Focus
  • Will
  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 Blue Candle
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    You may need:

  • Concentration
  • Focus
  • Will
  • 1 Black candle
  • 1 Blue Candle
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    O Mighty Lord Satan, by whom all things are set free, I cast myself utterly into thine arms and place myself unreservedly under thy all powerful protection. Comfort me and deliver me from all of the hindrances and snares of those who wish to harm me, both seen and unseen. 
Visit justice and vengeance upon those who seek my destruction. Render them powerless and devastated. Direct their malice to return upon them tenfold and to destroy them who would resent my being. 
Fill my soul with thy infernal power, strengthen me, that I may persevere in my service, and act as an agent of thy works and a vessel of thy will. 
This I ask in your name, almighty and ineffable Lord Satan who liveth and reigneth forevermore. 
Ave Satanas

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    #15 - Energy Share

    Inviting/summoning deity, spirit ect. for energy combining/ bonding.
    You may need:

  • Yourself and the ability to visualize and draw energy and candle dedicated to specific deity, or other being.
  • Incense if you desire.
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    You may need:

  • Yourself and the ability to visualize and draw energy and candle dedicated to specific deity, or other being.
  • Incense if you desire.
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    Choose a quiet, "dark" place, where you will remain undisturbed.

    Cleanse the area and yourself, via a shower/bath for purity, as you, hopefully, always do.

    Set up your barriers, whatever they might be (protective circle, dome, glyphs, etc.)

    Once you have properly prepared your space and self, relax, meditate enough to ground and come into focus.

    Light the candle and incense. Proclaim both an offering.

    Keep the deity or entity you choose, on the surface of your mind, but not main focus and visually measure out an oval of light, large enough to lay within.

    Draw it with first and middle finger, on power hand, pressed together, or with athame/sword. (Draw in the required energy then project it out as you craft the oval.)

    Next you will need to focus on pulling in energy with each breath, through your favored chakra/hvel point.

    When you feel satisfied that power is coming with each breath, get upon hands and knees and blow the energy out into the oval. ( I see it as a specific color of fog, filling the area, stopping at the borders)

    Continue doing this until it is saturated with this energy.

    Finally, align yourself (physically) within the oval, laying down. Relax everything, including your mind and invite your chosen entity to come in with you.

    If there is a close relationship or willingness in yourself to be open to the combining, you 'will' feel an immense energy start to course through your root to the crown chakra/hvel's. Highly pleasurable.

    Please do not attempt unless you have built a close relationship or feel a kindred nature with the deity or entity in question and have a good focus/mind of who you are. For me it is a great and wonderful experience, taught to me by my patron, whether you believe in that sort of thing or not. :) Enjoy and be careful


    P.S. Please keep it in the coven or your personal book, if you find it actually valid for you.

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    #16 - Spiritual Cleanse

    This is a recipe for a spiritual cleansing bath or floor wash for cleansing yourself of negativity or hex or even just to do before a ritual or summoning to rid yourself of unwanted energies so they don't interfere with your magickal workings.
    You may need:

  • A few rops of rue oil or a small handful of rue herb boiled and strained in water.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sea salt.
  • A few drops of florida water or kananga water.
  • Half a teaspoon of eggshell powder.
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    You may need:

  • A few rops of rue oil or a small handful of rue herb boiled and strained in water.
  • A couple of tablespoons of sea salt.
  • A few drops of florida water or kananga water.
  • Half a teaspoon of eggshell powder.
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    Simply make a warm bath then add all the ingredients mentioned above. Then get in the bath for a minumum of ten- fifteen minutes.

    If you're making a floor wash, add the ingredients to a bucket of warm water then wash the floors.

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    #17 - Seven knobbed candle spell for overcoming enemies

    This seven day spell will make overcome your enemies.
    You may need:

  • A black seven knobbed candle or an ordinary black candle you can mark into seven equal segments.
  • Success oil.
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    You may need:

  • A black seven knobbed candle or an ordinary black candle you can mark into seven equal segments.
  • Success oil.
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    If you have a seven knobbed candle then anoint it with the oil.
    If you have an ordinary black candle then mark it into seven seperate segments by making some horzontal lines through it.

    Anoint the candle with the success oil being sure to start at the middle of the candle , then rub the oil down to the bottom , then rub the oil to the top, as if to draw the problems away from your self.

    Then focus on your enemies and you overcoming them. Imagine whatever fate you think they deserve as you light the candle.

    Burn it every day for seven days, stopping at each segment, each day.

    Then when it has finished burning after seven days, you then either bury it in a cemetary , outside the offending person's home or place of work or you may with as much disrespect and hate for that person throw it into a public bin (trash can), PUBLIC trash not your own personal bin/ trash can.

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    #18 - Seance Protection Candle Spell

    This spell provides protection during seance proceedings.
    You may need:

  • Small white votive candle
  • Knife
  • Glass
  • Spring water
  • Saucer
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    You may need:

  • Small white votive candle
  • Knife
  • Glass
  • Spring water
  • Saucer
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    1. Slice off the top of the candle.

    2. Carve the bottom of the candle so the wick is exposed and maybe lit.

    3. Fill a glass half-full of spring water.

    4. Place a saucer on top and quickly flip the glass that the glass rests on the saucer.

    5. Place this on the floor behind the door.

    6. Place the reversed candle on top of the glass of water and light it.

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    #19 - Evil Eye Removal Spell

    This spell breaks the evil eye cast on you by others.
    You may need:

  • Black cumin seeds
  • Paper/paper bag
  • Fire
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    You may need:

  • Black cumin seeds
  • Paper/paper bag
  • Fire
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    1. Wrap an odd number of black cumin seeds in paper or place them in a paper bag.

    2 .Pass this packet around the victim of the evil eye three times

    3. Burn the paper bag in the fire.

    4. When you hear the seeds snap, crackle and pop you'll know the evil eye has cracked up also. If no sounds are heard further action needs to be taken, by repeating the process.

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    #20 - Ajenjible Banishing Spell

    Banish unwanted house guests.
    You may need:

  • Boiling water
  • Ajenjible herb (Ground Ginger)
  • 1 Strainer
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    You may need:

  • Boiling water
  • Ajenjible herb (Ground Ginger)
  • 1 Strainer
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    Ajenjible (ground ginger) is an herb used in Latin America for culinary and medicinal purposes. It's magical use includes banishing.

    • Make a strong infusion by pouring boiling water over the Ajenjible.

    • Strain out the botanical material and use the liquid as the final rinse water when washing your targets clothes.

    This will stimulate the person to move out of your home.

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    Last edited on Mar 24, 2018
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    41 Spiritual Spells from Deep Arts