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3 Beauty Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness

3 Beauty Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness

Included in this list of 3 Beauty Spells
  1. Enhanced Fertility
  2. Enki/Satan Protection Spell
  3. Clear as Night
#1 - #3

#1 - Enhanced Fertility

For those who are struggling to conceive, this ritual can help increase your chances of conception.
You may need:

  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 egg
  • twine or rope
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    You may need:

  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 egg
  • twine or rope
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    While I strongly encourage anyone who is struggling to conceive to consult with their doctor as there may be underlying issues as to why this is happening, this ritual is a method more for meditation. The motions of the ritual can help being about the focus and concentration needed to bring your body in alignment with what you are seeking.

    First find a place in your garden or yard and dig a small hole (enough to bury the avocado). Once this is done you will need to cut your avocado in half, which can be done by rolling a knife around the circumference of the fruit. Pull apart the two ends and remove the seen in the middle, but do not discard! Carefully crack the egg and remove the yolk, careful not to break it. This can be done by cracking the egg open and pouring the yolk into the other shell, back and fourth until the whites are removed. Once done, place the yolk in the center of one half of the avocado. Place the other half on top and tie a small rope or twine around it securing it in place. This method symbolizes filling the empty womb (the avocado) with a life (the egg). Place it in the hole and bury it. Then meditate before it.

    It is important to pay attention to your body. It will go through cycles and once you are in tune with those cycles you will understand when you are ovulating. Generally this is the time where you may find a white thick discharge when using a restroom. That is your body telling you it is ovulating and the best time to try and conceive. As always, please consult with your doctor beforehand to rule out any medical concerns that may be interfering with your ability to conceive.

    Added to on Aug 07, 2018
    Last edited on Jul 17, 2019
    Part of the Acquaintance with Darkness Library.

    #2 - Enki/Satan Protection Spell

    This spell is going to build immunity to curses, and fear
    You may need:

  • 2 black or blue candles
  • Incense
  • Empty glass bottle with seal or cap
  • Have a positive mindset about Satan and his legion.
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    You may need:

  • 2 black or blue candles
  • Incense
  • Empty glass bottle with seal or cap
  • Have a positive mindset about Satan and his legion.
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    Wait till full moon
    or atleast nightime.
    Light the candles
    burn the incense and put it in the glass and close the lid
    meditate and draw out fear by holding your arms straight out and wiggling your fingers up and down and repeat the mantra SA-TA-NA-MA over and over till the fear is gone.
    1: Chant:


    Repeat in your head 11 times.

    2: Say out loud 11 times.

    3: Say in your head Satan protect me 4 times
    poke your finger draw some blood open the bottle
    drip some blood into the bottle
    repeat 1,2 and 3
    meditate and then go to sleep you should feel Satan's blue energy comfort you.

    Added to on Nov 22, 2012
    Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
    Part of the Acquaintance with Darkness Library.

    #3 - Clear as Night

    Use this to clean your skin of acne or other marks.
    You may need:

  • A rag
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    You may need:

  • A rag
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    Wet the rag and place it over the part of your body you wish to clear of acne or marks. Say: "I wish to become somewhat clean, clean my skin to your best ability".

    Added to on Aug 20, 2012
    Last edited on Dec 19, 2016
    Part of the Acquaintance with Darkness Library.

    3 Beauty Spells from Acquaintance with Darkness
    #1 - #3