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12 Life Spells from Council of Knowledge

12 Life Spells from Council of Knowledge

Included in this list of 12 Life Spells
  1. Give up Smoking
  2. Dream Manifestation
  3. Attract Money Sachet
  4. Visilik's Draught
  5. Helheim Travels
  6. Virtual Nid
  7. Nid Cursing
  8. Wyrd Scrying
  9. Simple Guide To The Basics
  10. Freyr's Prosperity
#1 - #10

#1 - Give up Smoking

To give up addiction to Tobacco
You may need:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power
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    You may need:

  • Tobacco and Ciggie Buts
  • Thin black Cloth
  • Black Candle
  • White Candle
  • Mouthwash
  • Will Power
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    Wrap up tobacco and ciggarette buts in black cloth

    Inscribe widdershins spiral on candle

    Light candle

    Inhale the foul smell of the package

    Focus all intent of despising and hate on the package

    Say "This that harms me, I let go"

    Snuff out the black candle when you are ready, and bury the remnants of it, with the cloth package.

    Brush your teeth and wash your mouth.

    Light the white candle. Take three deep breaths.

    Say "I am breathing, I am clean, I am free" three times.

    Repeat this with the white candle every morning and night for as long a necessary.

    Added to on Apr 02, 2013
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #2 - Dream Manifestation

    To realise your goals
    You may need:

  • Rain water
  • Hematite
  • Bowl
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    You may need:

  • Rain water
  • Hematite
  • Bowl
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    Collect enough rain water to fill a small bowl

    On the night before the full moon, place a hematite crystal in the bowl with the rain water.

    Leave outside for that night, the full moon night, and the next night.

    Each night, gaze upon it and visualise your dream coming true.

    In the morning following the third night, hold the crystal in your hands and visualise again.

    Be sure your goal is realistic. Keep believing!

    Added to on Apr 02, 2013
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #3 - Attract Money Sachet

    A small money sachet to draw money.
    You may need:

  • Green pouch with ties
  • Sassifras
  • Comfrey
  • Goldenrod
  • Adventurine
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    You may need:

  • Green pouch with ties
  • Sassifras
  • Comfrey
  • Goldenrod
  • Adventurine
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    Mix the herbs into the sachet. Bury your adventurine(s) among the herbs. Tie & voila

    You can choose to consecrate the individual ingredients or the whole thing over a green candle.

    Added to on Feb 07, 2013
    Last edited on Feb 07, 2017
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #4 - Visilik's Draught

    Prosperity & success spell bottle charm.
    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 lavender incense
  • 1 empty spell bottle w/ necklace
  • ginger root
  • rosewater
  • wormwood
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    You may need:

  • 1 red candle
  • 1 lavender incense
  • 1 empty spell bottle w/ necklace
  • ginger root
  • rosewater
  • wormwood
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    1. Cast your circle, calling the quarters & whatever you feel is necessary.

    2. Ground & shield yourself.

    3. Consecrate the root, rosewater, and wormwood individually in both the red candle & the lavender incense toward the same intent of success.

    4. Place all the blessed items inside the spell bottle & consecrate the whole while chanting the incantation however many times you feel:

    ''With perfect Light and perfect Trust,
    put forward Wills in this I must.
    Forward the sky You wish to see,
    All of these prayers; So Mote it Be.''

    5. Thank the Powers present in your circle, and close it.

    *If you would like, you may also wish to inscribe the incantation, and consecrate it along with the other ingredients in the bottle.

    Added to on Jun 24, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #5 - Helheim Travels

    A spell and ritual describing how a northern shaman would "travel" to Helheim in order to commune with the dead, etc.
    You may need:

  • A black candle
  • A white candle
  • Bones of some sort
  • Dark cloth
  • Soothing incense
  • A quiet, dark place
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    You may need:

  • A black candle
  • A white candle
  • Bones of some sort
  • Dark cloth
  • Soothing incense
  • A quiet, dark place
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    Begin by finding a quiet and dark place to relax. You do not want to be disturbed as you work. Once this is found, sit in a comfortable position and drape the dark cloth around you like a showl. Place the black candle to your left and the white candle to your right- then light both of these. Quickly light the incense as well Place the bones inbetween both candles and sit back.

    Begin by working towards meditation/trance. An easy way to do this is to focus on a beat, or focus on your breathing. Breathe in for four counts, then exhale for four counts. Continue this process until it is all you are focused on. Let nothing else interfere with this state of mind. Breathe, exhale. Do this for roughly 10-20 minutes or until you feel you are ready to move on.

    Feel yourself "drift" away from your body. As you travel elsewhere, begin to seek Hel and Helheim. Push forward, imagining a field. When you reach this field, call out to Hel or the spirits you wish to communicate with. Be cautious, but open as you proceed. Now visualize Hel or the ancestor/spirit you wish to communicate with. Picture a presence approaching yourself, and will yourself towards it. When you feel that something is near, speak what it is you wish to learn or have questions about. One way of receiving the answers to your question is to ask the spirit for a dream shortly after you leave: The answers to these questions should come to you relatively fast. When you are satisfied with this, thank the spirit that spoke to you and begin to leave. "Pull" yourself backwards, leaving the field, and heading towards your body.

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #6 - Virtual Nid

    How to cast a "virtual nid".
    You may need:

  • Candles of your choice
  • A quiet area
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    You may need:

  • Candles of your choice
  • A quiet area
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    The modern way of sending a nid as a curse is to do it with the internet and send it electronically. In this case, instead of having a physical nidstang or nidhing pole- you would find a picture of one and write the person's (who you desire to curse) name on it. Once you've written the name, focus intently on the image and then come up with your nid- the verbal cursing. As stated elsewhere, you may wish to call upon deities to help you. List out the actions you wish to befall the person you curse.

    Once you've done this, hold the paper over a candle and let it burn. Chant the person's name repeatedly as you do this, again, visualizing them. As it burns, begin to meditate and work your way towards trance. Through this, build up your energy and direct it towards the person that you've made the nid for- this will take the place of the physical nidhing pole. Channel your energy towards that person. Keep in mind, the goal is not to effect the person directly- but rather to upset the landwights around them and cause them to take the desired action.

    When you are finished, take the ashes from the burnt paper and bury them in soil where you live.

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #7 - Nid Cursing

    This is the verbal spell work done when making a Nidstang (or Nordic cursing pole).
    You may need:

  • Candles (optional)
  • A carved nidhing pole
  • A small pin or knife
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    You may need:

  • Candles (optional)
  • A carved nidhing pole
  • A small pin or knife
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    The "nid" curse is the verbal part of making a nidstang. You should not do this part until you have already carved the nidhing pole. On the pole you should have the name of the person(s) you wish to direct this at, as well as how they have wronged you and how you wish for the spell to effect them. Keep in mind, the nid/nidhing pole works by upsetting the landwights around the person- be careful not to drive them away!

    Once you've done the carving, you are going to relax yourself- focusing on the person for whom you intend this spell to effect. As you visualize them, begin softly chanting and otherwise coming to a meditative state. Now begin reading from the pole, and stating the things you have carved: "I set this nidstand against (insert person's name), for (insert reasons) and I hope that it shall (insert outcomes you desire)"

    Move in front of the pole and raise your hands slightly. This is the time when you call upon the deities you wish to help you make the curse more effective. Hel is a common one. Here's an example of how you would call a deity for this: "I call upon Thor, to grant me his strength. Weild your hammer in my name and my defense! Be my protector and do this curse for me!". This part is optional.

    When you feel you have done the verbal curse, prick one of your fingers and gently rub the blood against the "teeth" on the pole. This will "wake" it and set it in action. Then, simply turn it to face the desired direction and leave it for as long as you desire.

    Here's an example of a nid from the Saga of Egil Skallagrimsson:

    "Here I place this "nidstang" ("curse-pole"), and turneth it against King Eirik and Queen Gunnhild - turneth I this against all the gnomes and little people of the land, that they may all be lost, not finding their homes, until they drive King Eirik and Queen Gunnhild out of the country."

    Added to on Apr 06, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #8 - Wyrd Scrying

    How to scry using wyrd.
    You may need:

  • A wooden bowl
  • A small knife or chisel
  • Incense
  • Candle wax (optional)
  • Water
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    You may need:

  • A wooden bowl
  • A small knife or chisel
  • Incense
  • Candle wax (optional)
  • Water
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    Begin by placing the wooden bowl on a flat surface. Take the chisel or knife and etch runes with speicifc and personal meaning into it. You may also wish to write your name to make it personalized. Get into a comfortable position. Fill the bowl with water now, and let it settle. Light the incense, of your choice, and spend a moment relaxing quietly, clearing your mind.

    Call upon a specific deity that you wish to work with. Some like to call upon the Norns at this time, because they are the weavers of fate, and you will be attempting to read what they've woven. You may say something such as: "Three sisters, weavers of Wyrd, help me to see into the web that makes up the fates of myself, those I am connected to, and those I have yet to meet". Close your eyes. In your mind, picture three women sitting in a circle with thread between them. This thread is wyrd. As they spin it, focus on it as much as you can.

    Open your eyes, and peer into the water in the bowl. Spend as much time as you need looking into the waters. You may see something now, or you may not. Sometimes you will receive dreams later on. When calling upon the Norns you may wish to specify that you wish to receive dreams, if this is what you want.
    An alternative to this would be to put drops of wax into the water and try to interpret them.

    Added to on Mar 27, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #9 - Simple Guide To The Basics

    For those who are new to practicing magic.
    You may need:

  • Dedication
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    You may need:

  • Dedication
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    The basics are the following:

    1. Meditation

    2. Visualization

    3. Energy Manipulation -involves grounding/centering, energy flow and control, shielding and circle casting.

    4. Correspondences -refers to elements, days, colors, tools, moon phases, etc.

    As you mature and gain more experience, these things will become second nature. Although you may not necessarily use every single one, they are important and good to know because they are like stepping stones towards more serious practice. It usually takes at least a year or so to master all of them. Don't be disapointed or discouraged if it takes longer. If really want to learn this, then practice!

    For more detailed information, you can research online.

    Good luck and Blessed be!

    Added to on Mar 23, 2012
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    #10 - Freyr's Prosperity

    A spell to call upon Freyr to ask for prosperity wherever you feel that you need it.
    You may need:

  • A green candle
  • A black candle
  • Yellow cloth
  • Heads of grain
  • Some type of greenery
  • Antlers
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    You may need:

  • A green candle
  • A black candle
  • Yellow cloth
  • Heads of grain
  • Some type of greenery
  • Antlers
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    Begin by setting the yellow cloth down on a flat and sturdy surface. Place the green candle on the right-hand side and the black candle on the left-hand side. Slowly light each candle and sit quietly for a moment. Begin to picture Freyr in your mind, calling to him. Sit in this position until you are comfortable, relaxed, and ready to move on.

    The grain and greenery should then be placed in the middle between the two candles. As you are placing it, say: "Freyr, helper of human-kind and lord of the harvest, accept my offering to you!" Meditate for a moment, and when you feel the offering has been accepted- move on.

    Pick up the antlers and raise them slightly above your head. "Father of fertile fields, golden-haired one: hear my plea. Bring to me prosperity. Make all of my endeavors fruitful, and all negative things neutral. Make fertile all of my workings, and let my life be lived anew!" You may add specific things you are needing his help with in here. It's up to you.

    When you are done, take the greenery outside and leave it somewhere for animals to eat. Thank Freyr for his help, and be on your way.

    Added to on Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited on Aug 19, 2020
    Part of the Council of Knowledge Library.

    12 Life Spells from Council of Knowledge
    #1 - #10