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20 Health Spells from Divine Spirits

Covens Divine Spirits  ► Divine Spirits's Spellbooks  ► 20 Health Spells
20 Health Spells from Divine Spirits

Included in this list of 20 Health Spells
  1. Flames of Victory charm
  2. Basic Curse Breaker
  3. Curse Reversal
  4. Healing
  5. Healing a Family Member
  6. Healing a Friend
  7. Potion of Liberation
  8. Make Anything Healing/Healthful
  9. Cold and Flu Charm
  10. Rose Quartz Healing
#1 - #10

#1 - Flames of Victory charm

Extremely strong banishing or vanquishing spell , to defeat/banish/overcome your human and spiritual enemies.
You may need:

  • Red taper candle
  • Brown paper or parchment
  • Metal censer or fireproof metal dish
  • Fire oil
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    You may need:

  • Red taper candle
  • Brown paper or parchment
  • Metal censer or fireproof metal dish
  • Fire oil
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    When someone would need to defeat an enemy he should write all he knows about them on a piece of brown paper or parchment. If he is unfamiliar with the name or looks, then describe this enemy as best as he can . Prepare a censer of solid metal , and a red taper candle to assist . Dress it with fire oil and light it; then light the paper from the candle . Watch it burn while holding it if you can. chanting the following rhyme three,s even or nine times :

    To one that wills bane and death
    Fire shall consume by its own very breath
    Burning like paper in a funeral pyre
    Evil be gone this is my desire !

    The paper should also be lightly dressed with fire oil , three drops should be sufficient . Save the ashes in metal dish , blend with salt and throw away from your residence . A graveyard would most desirable be to seal your foe's destiny .

    Fire oil can be made by blending: Cinnamon in pinch , garlic clove , piece of ginger rhizome , cayenne pepper teaspoon and black pepper pinch or basil spring. All in 2 drams of base oil!

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    #2 - Basic Curse Breaker

    A simple way to break a curse that's not hard to do. Great for beginners who are learning how to focus energy and have a strong desire to learn how to break curses
    You may need:

  • The target (YOU),
  • A tub of water large enough to submerge and wash the
  • Target (or enough water to wash down the area if a location),
  • Large quantity of
  • Sea salt
  • Best times: New Moon, a Thursday, noon, midnight, dawn, Dusk (any time associated with transitions)
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    You may need:

  • The target (YOU),
  • A tub of water large enough to submerge and wash the
  • Target (or enough water to wash down the area if a location),
  • Large quantity of
  • Sea salt
  • Best times: New Moon, a Thursday, noon, midnight, dawn, Dusk (any time associated with transitions)
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    1. Fill the tub with water. Temperature should be comfortable for a long soak if the
    target is a living thing.

    2. Open and hold up the container of sea salt.

    3. Clear your mind and say the following words while concentrating on what they
    mean to you. Say them slowly, confidently, and meditatively:

    "In the names of my ancestors, my gods, and myself, I call upon thee, oh creatures of Earth and Water. Come forth, cleanse "name of target" of all evil and alien magicks, and
    restore them (me, it) to balance and health. By our wills combined, so mote it be."

    4. Pour the salt into the water. Use a lot.

    5. Keeping your mind in that calm and meditative state, submerge or wash the target
    slowly. If you are the target, get in the tub and simply lay back and soak. Relax.
    Let everything slip away.

    6. Do this for at least ten minutes. When you are done, drain the water away down the drain and rinse it off the target. It is absolutely necessary that all of the
    saltwater is washed off of the target!

    7. When you are done, say the following in the same way you did step 3:

    "I thank thee, oh creatures of Earth and Water, in the name of myself, my gods, and my
    ancestors. Be released to your homes, doing no harm on your way, and return to
    me with glad hearts when next you are summoned. By our wills combined, so
    mote it be."

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    #3 - Curse Reversal

    Spell to reverse curse You have cast without harming anyone.
    You may need:

  • Object of offering
  • Salt
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    You may need:

  • Object of offering
  • Salt
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    Spell to reverse a curse you have cast.

    You shall need an offering of some sort, a cake, a fruit, pearl anything that appears respectful and good for making up for evil You have done .

    If You have supplies or tools You used to cast a curse go to the crossroads and take them with you. Also take some salt . When reached the crossroad ask Your supreme Power ( In my case it is Lord, but You can Invoke Wicca Goddess or any Ruler of the Pantheon You incorporate in Your practice ). When I get to the Crossroads I ask ( via means of small personal petition )pa Legba to help me, and to remove any obstacles for me, Saint Anthony could also be invoked for this purposes, normally You do not really need to do this If not agreeable with Your path.

    Then dig a small hole on the centre of crossroad or as near to it as possible and ass small layer of the salt at the bottom , place the items You used to cast a curse ( if it was a bottle spell, poue the content in the hole and then add the bottle, If it was a seal or parchment written curse, or doll burn it and place the ashes in hole, or simply bury it est. be creative I don’t need to draw everything for Ya do I lol ) in the hole, sprinkle with salt then simply cover with Earth. If You disturbed the grass with the digging process make sure You leave some offering ( grass is still a plant , some honey or bread shell do ). Now say in soothing voice :

    What I’ve done must be undone
    Reverse it with harm to none,
    Release all Spirits that helped my curse being done
    And once again, let them hurt none.
    For what I did I now regret,
    Let my curse for blessings exchange
    And this tribute may spirits take respectively
    With harm to none once more , I ask humbly !


    Leave and offering on a place you buried items .

    NOTE: If You Have tricked ( jinxed , cursed ) a person via methods of more direct ( Not sympathetic magick ) write on a piece of paper what you done, describe it and If You remember write the words you used . Remember for this spell to work You will need respect and wish to make things better, to feel remorse.

    After this kind of spell you should take a purifying bath .

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    #4 - Healing

    This is a spell to heal someone close to you.
    You may need:

  • A photograph of the person to be healed.
  • A green candle
  • A jade ring (or other green healing stone)
  • Some red cotton thread
  • A drawing of the afflicted area of the body
  • Tea tree oil
  • Pinch of dried lavender
  • Small green cloth pouch
  • Glass of water
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    You may need:

  • A photograph of the person to be healed.
  • A green candle
  • A jade ring (or other green healing stone)
  • Some red cotton thread
  • A drawing of the afflicted area of the body
  • Tea tree oil
  • Pinch of dried lavender
  • Small green cloth pouch
  • Glass of water
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    Special note: If the illness has to do with cancer or another type of tumor then this will be a type of banishing and you might want to substitute black for green in this spell. Additionally you might want to use jet or onyx instead of jade. This is best performed during a waxing moon (or waning, if it is for banishing).

    Ground and center. Breathe deep and feel your power. If you work with any Gods or Goddesses that you are particularly attuned to, especially if healing is among their attributes, feel their presence now. Hold the glass of water in both hands and feel your power, and that of the Gods, flowing into and through you. Feel it flow into the water and “see” it begin to glow with the power of healing. Say something like: "“Healing flows into this water, flowing from Her sacred well".”

    Know that the water will hold this charge until it is used. Place the cup aside for now. Hold the candle and focus on the concept of health. You may wish to etch something on it like “ "is now healed".” Rub some of the tea tree oil onto it. Put it in a holder and set it aside. Do the same with the ring, placing it over the end of the candle so that it rests on it, suspended. Sprinkle some of the water around the candle-holder in a clockwise circle (counter-clockwise if you are banishing).

    Hold the drawing of the afflicted area. Use your feeling-sense to delve into the area of the person’s body and feel the quality of energy there. If you imagine that it is too hot, for example, you may wish to imagine it cooling; if it is too active, you may try calming it down. Take the tea tree oil and draw a pentagram over the afflicted area with your fingers. Light the candle and say: "“I call forth light, in the dark of night, to heal the blight, with strength and with might".” Burn the drawing from the candle flame and put the ashes in the green pouch along with a pinch of lavender. Burn some of the lavender and allow the smoke to waft over the photograph as you focus on it.

    See the person as surrounded by a green aura of healing (or perhaps purple, or cobalt blue for a banishing). “Feel” that they are healthy, happy, and strong. If they had a broken leg, “see” them as running on perfectly strong legs; if a problem with their lungs, see them breathing effortlessly, etc. Allow your sense of their health and newfound strength to permeate the photograph. You may wish to chant something like: ” "You are healed. You are strong".” You might wish to repeat this chant until you have achieved a sense of deep trance.

    When you are in a deep state of trance and have felt that the healing power has been transferred to the person, then roll up the photograph and tie it with the thread. Say: "“Surrounded by a ring of jade, encircled by the healing waters, bound together by cord of blood, strength restored and life renewed".” Burn the photograph, releasing the power into the universe. Mix the resulting ashes with the ashes from the drawing and place inside the green pouch. Drink the water feeling it refresh and renew you, bringing you healing energy, keeping you cleansed.

    Allow the candle to burn completely out. Retrieve the ring and place inside the pouch along with the ashes. Keep this hidden until the full moon (or dark moon for a banishing) at which time it should be given to the subject of this healing. If this is not possible then it should be worn by a friend or loved one as a reminder of the healing energy.

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    #5 - Healing a Family Member

    This is a spell to heal a family member.
    You may need:

  • Envelope
  • Piece of blank paper
  • Pen
  • Angelica
  • Burdock
  • Galangal
  • Horehound
  • Elder
  • Lavender
  • Lemon Balm
  • Mandrake
  • Root
  • Rose
  • Rue
  • Sassafras
  • Yellowdock
  • Altar candle (blue, or white)
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    You may need:

  • Envelope
  • Piece of blank paper
  • Pen
  • Angelica
  • Burdock
  • Galangal
  • Horehound
  • Elder
  • Lavender
  • Lemon Balm
  • Mandrake
  • Root
  • Rose
  • Rue
  • Sassafras
  • Yellowdock
  • Altar candle (blue, or white)
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    Prepare an envelope from a square of paper that you have folded - If you do not know how to do this, you can use a very small letter envelope. On the envelope write the word "Health". Then write the name(s) of the person you are directing the healing toward.

    Enclose the following herbs into the envelope: Angelica, Burdock, Galangal, Horehound, Elder, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Mandrake, Root, Rose, Rue, Sassafras, and Yellowdock.

    Chant the following: "I charge these herbs to aid my spell. That (persons name) will be well. That by the free will that can be blessed, with total health and happiness. I ask the Goddess to hear my call that is may be correct and good for all".

    Pass the envelope through your altar candle and catch the envelope on fire. Focus on the smoke and visualize the energy blowing with the smoke toward those in need. Allow the envelope to burn completely.

    Chant the following: "I call upon a breath of wind, empowered by the spirit of Air, to carry my spell toward my kin and gracefully deliver it there. By all the power of three times three, this spell bound around shall be. To cause no harm, nor return to me. As I do will so mote it be".

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    #6 - Healing a Friend

    To heal a friend or relative.
    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • White yarn or string
  • A pair scissors
  • Fresh violets (whole, with stems)
  • Black pen
  • A purple candle
  • A small vase or holder (for flowers)
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    You may need:

  • Purple paper
  • White yarn or string
  • A pair scissors
  • Fresh violets (whole, with stems)
  • Black pen
  • A purple candle
  • A small vase or holder (for flowers)
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    This spell is for healing a friend or family member. It is best done when the moon is full, but you can do it whenever you feel it necessary. Light the candle and fill the small vase with water. Place the freshly cut violets in the little vase and say a chant, focusing on the well being of the person and the healing of their ailment. Cut a heart out of the purple and write the name of the person on one side, and a short but heartfelt "Get Well!" message on the other side. Poke a small hole in the top right side of the heart and thread the white string through it, tie it, and attach it to the vase. Give the little vase of violets to the target person and await their recovery.

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    #7 - Potion of Liberation

    Potion that removes hexes , curses or any spell not agreeable with You.
    You may need:

  • Wood betony ( stychis officinalis )
  • Verbena ( Verbena officinalis )
  • Yarrow ( Achilea mileofolium )
  • Elecampane ( innula helenium ) ( elfwort )
  • Rue ( Ruta gravelolens )
  • Mugwort ( Artemisa vulgaris )
  • Celandine ( Chelidonium majus )
  • Nettle ( Urtica diocia )
  • White clover ( trifolium repens )
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    You may need:

  • Wood betony ( stychis officinalis )
  • Verbena ( Verbena officinalis )
  • Yarrow ( Achilea mileofolium )
  • Elecampane ( innula helenium ) ( elfwort )
  • Rue ( Ruta gravelolens )
  • Mugwort ( Artemisa vulgaris )
  • Celandine ( Chelidonium majus )
  • Nettle ( Urtica diocia )
  • White clover ( trifolium repens )
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    Equal parts of all the herbs listed are needed. To be brewed and prayed ower thee for liberation of evil . Brew the nine herbs together while praying over them and bathe downward to rid yourself of the evil influences.

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    #8 - Make Anything Healing/Healthful

    A multipurpose, very easy and quick spell to bless any kind of food, item, or a drink to make it more useful. Can also be used to make magical charms and objects for others, and for wealth, power, joy -spell by liberation.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    A Spell To Make Anything Healing/Healthful


    "With your help,
    my health shall grow,
    as I will,
    it shall be so."

    You can use this multi-spell also for charging or programming any object (such as a bed, a whole house, a blanket, a candle, a carpet, an amulet, a pot plant, etc).

    You can of course replace the word "health" with wealth, joy, power, strength, focus, hope, soul or whatever else you want to grow.

    And you can use this on any object that you give to someone, for example a teddy bear for a sick child called Pete, you could say, "With your help Pete's health will grow, etc."

    Hmm now that I think about it you could also use this spell against someone, like having their nose/acne/misfortune/confusion/etc grow.. Just a thought, I've never tried it against someone though so I'm not exactly sure how the spell would react like that.

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    #9 - Cold and Flu Charm

    Keep away the cold and flu with this easy charm.
    You may need:

  • Eucalyptus or tea tree oil
  • A long blue cord
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    You may need:

  • Eucalyptus or tea tree oil
  • A long blue cord
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    Tie a knot in the cord, dab it with some oil and say: "Cold be gone, body be strong"

    Tie another knot further along the cord, dab with oil and say again, "Cold be gone, body be strong"

    Do this three more times and then tie the cord around your wrist or ankle as you say, "So Mote It Be"

    Wear the cord for 24 hours and your symptoms will abate. Go to the doctor or naturopath if they don't!

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    #10 - Rose Quartz Healing

    This helps us to heal our anger, fear and self doubt. It helps us open ourselves to love and helps us learn to express love.
    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • Piece(s) of paper
  • 1 Pen
  • 1 Rose Quartz (can be a pendant)
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    You may need:

  • 1 Pink Candle
  • Piece(s) of paper
  • 1 Pen
  • 1 Rose Quartz (can be a pendant)
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    Begin by finding a quiet, undisturbed area.

    Get some paper and a pen and relax. Light the candle and make sure the pendant is close to it. Focus on the flame and breath deeply. Push your worries out of your mind. Pick up the pendant and hold it in your hands. Know what it is and what power it has. Carefully pass the rose quartz over the flame (don’t touch it to the flame) three times. With each pass imagine the crystal becoming ‘clean’ of all energies that are not supposed to be there.

    Take the cleansed pendant and hold it in your hands. The stone should now feel stronger. Allow it to fill you with its energies. Now it is time to cleanse yourself.

    Take your paper and pen and write down what you feel. Write about your pain, anguish, self-doubt, and fear. Get it all out. Write down every word of how you feel. Cry, scream, shout, pound your fists on the table - cleanse your spirit. This is how the healing process begins.

    Only when you face the truth of your life can you begin on a positive note. When you are through, hold the pendant and let its energies overwhelm you. Feel its strength making you stronger.

    Take your paper(s) to the sink with the lit candle (use caution) and burn it. Know that this is a new beginning. The old you is now ashes to be carried away with the water. When you are through, place the crystal in a safe place. Let it serve as a reminder whenever you need a little support.

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    Last edited on Sep 27, 2019
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    20 Health Spells from Divine Spirits
    #1 - #10