Trouble organizing your journal grimoire or B.O.S?

Covens Spell Casters  ► Articles  ► Trouble organizing your journal grimoire or B.O.S?
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If you have had trouble with being organized in your journals then look no further than here for the solution!

Okay folks I am a slow I have a problem! that much is obvious. I also am a walking idiot. I have a journal I call my grimoire and I have filled it to the brim with spells and rituals (some are not my own). I opened the grimoire AMD wasted a spell with the utmost confidence and utterly lost my place. I ended up casting a bad luck spell while in the middle of performing a love spell. I had not known this until after I began to notice the terrible results.

I gained a very aggressive male stalker.

I went to the chat and spoke publicly also shamefully about me disorganized journal. Then Nordstar suggested I go to tes forums. I looked up for hours how to organize a grimoire. I then notices a tab I articles about book of shadows and magical journal organization ideas. So then I came up with the idea to do my own on tow topic.

Here we go!

With each section being its own and noting that some dent have binders or dividers for bindery or money to even buy them I decided I would help with an outline for my own book of shadows outline since I have the same problem.

Take your notebook and if you have any sticky notes around you,begin to separate your notebook into 4 sections.

-book of beliefs and history on your faith

-book of spells and ritual work

-book of herbal magic drinks and potions

-and personal diary

Each section has its own uniqueness.You can choose to even include a table of contents if it helps you as well.

I would also like to thank Nordstar for her part in helping me to come up with this idea.

Added to on Dec 16, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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