The Samhain Ritual

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My own version of this ritual for October 31st.

You need:

5 candles

-3 orange

-1 black

-1 yellow

Chalice or cup

Red wine or juice


Bowl of water

Sea salt (regular salt works too)

Sage incense

A pumpkin (optional)

A picture of a departed loved one(s) (optional)


1. Light the center candle, saying:

"I light this candle to celebrate the night,

Samhain is hear, guide us with your light.

The veil is now open, the spirits come forth,

The divine blesses us all, east, south, west, north.

So mote it be."

2. Light the right candle, saying:

"My lord is my guardian through all my dark days,

He shall watch over us in any and all ways."

3. Light the left candle, saying:

"My lady is my light, she guides us all,

Her voice shall comfort us when darkness falls."

4. Light the two remaining candles and the incense.

5. Say:

"The wards have been lit as we come to the end of another most eventful year. We gather here tonight to honor those who have left us and can only be with us this one night a year. We honor our gods and goddesses who have been kind to us for so long. We give thanks for all they have done for us, in return we ask that you watch and guard over us in the harsh days ahead."

6. Add a small handful of salt to the bowl of water.

7. Say:

"The spirits are kind, they give us all we want and need,

Through all our hard times, they heard our plea.

The year is ending, the winter come,

Our days are over, this year be done.

The time has come to start anew,

Like all of nature, our lives have grew.

A new year come on this sacred night,

And in its honor, we perform this holy rite."

8. Speak the Invocation of the God.

9. Speak the Invocation of the Goddess.

(NOTE: You can find these invocations in "Exploring Wicca by Lady Sabrina". By the way, thanks L.S.)

10. Fill the chalice or cup with red wine or juice.

11. Hold the chalice or cup in offering to the east, south, west, and north.


"Spirits of Air, with your wisdom, I enchant thee."


"Spirits of Fire, with your passion, I enchant thee."


"Spirits of Water, with your grace, I enchant thee."


"Spirits of Earth, with your strength, I enchant thee."

12. Say a wish that you would like to come true in the year ahead and drink the chalice or cup.

13. Meditate for a while, chanting:

"Now is the time, this is the hour.

Ours is the magic, ours is the power."

14. Say:

"Within my heart is devoted feeling

Vainly should my lips express.

I come before your alter kneeling

And pray this time and place you bless."

15. Face the four directions.


"Spirits of Earth, I thank you for your attendance, you are dismissed."


"Spirits of Water, I thank you for your attendance, you are dismissed."


"Spirits of Fire, I thank you for your attendance, you are dismissed."


"Spirits of Air, I thank you for your attendance, you are dismissed."

16. Extinguish the black and yellow candles.

17. Extinguish the left candle, saying:

"O gracious goddess, with your grace,

We thank you for coming, you may leave this place."

18. Extinguish the right candle, saying:

"O mighty god, we thank you for this rite,

Protect us, watch us as we head out into the night."

19. Say:

"O spirit, watch over us with your light,

Glow bright and true and steadfast tonight.

So mote it be."

20. Leave the center candle burning until the incense has burned out.

21. When the incense has burned out, extinguish the candle.

22. Add the ashes from the incense to the bowl. Bottle the mixture and keep it until Yule.

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