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Forums -> General Info -> Re: meditation help
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Original Post:
by: NatureEnergy on Jul 30, 2013

Well, I have saw quite a few people on this site saying they 'carnt' meditate. Let me tell you something,'I carnt' is not a word, you can do it, your just choosing not to. People are just giving up to easy, just because you can not meditate on your first try doesn't mean you should give up. It takes patience and dedication.

Everyone is able to meditate, everyone has meditated, we have just not been aware that we have been doing it. Let me ask you a question, have you ever been sitting there and you just go into someone kind of state and not been aware of your surroundings? There you go? So now you can not say you 'carnt' meditate. Don't think negative.

'Don't give up on something because in the end it was worth the waite.- quote out of my book am writing.

Hope this helped.
