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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Merry meet!
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Original Post:
by: MiracleKa on Dec 10, 2018

Hello all! My name's Kai, and I've been a solitary/closet witch for around 10 years now. A friend of mine introduced me to Konstantinos' works when we were both in high school, and I've been intrigued by the path ever since. I didn't really start seriously practicing until a few years ago, though, due to living with my very devout mother at the time, but ever since, I've been trying to explore and learn more about the path. Aside from a small metaphysical mom-n-pop shop, the area I live in makes it very difficult to connect with like-minded individuals, so I thought I'd turn to the good old 'Net!

I'm a very eclectic witch, and most of my beliefs are borrowed from a mix of Kemeticism (Ancient Egyptian), Celtic, shamanism, and Buddhism. While I primarily pay respects to Egyptian deities, lately I've been feeling an attraction to the Celtic goddess Morrigan and I'm looking to learn more about her and other Celtic deities. I'm also venturing into tarot (I have a spooky-cute Halloween-themed one :D), so I'm hoping to learn more about that, too.

Outside of the Craft, I'm just your average millennial struggling to balance work, life, and affording a chance to go back to school. I'm an avid gamer--video games, card games, board games, tabletops rpgs, you name it, I'll probably like playing it! I also write, draw, and paint miniatures, and I enjoy educational shows like Adam Ruins Everything or comedies like Red vs Blue and The Good Place.

Looking forward to making friends and expanding my cranium with you all!