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Forums -> Spiritual Creatures -> Re: Odd Familiar Question?
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Original Post:
by: JackalFoot on Apr 10, 2023

Blessing to all
I have posted the below previously but had no response, and generally when something like happen, it normally a sign to me that I was not ready hear or understand the answers/feedback

I have a few questions regarding Familiars, some might be long but I think mostly it will be yes/no answers. And yes, before I start, I have read the informative article " Of Fetches and Familiars " on the site.

Is a Familiar a lifelong relationship or can they come and go as describe by a Fetch.
Is it possible the "spirit" that who work with of bonded with, be a familiar, and you only realized it years later (more info will be given).

For me personally I always see familiar as animal form, said - energy, spiritual, physical. And I was wondering if your guarding spirit and familiar can have a close (Bond, connections or even relations) or one and the same

The reason why is, from a young age and still now, I?m obsess with Ancient Egypt specifically Anubis. Later in life it dawned on me the reason why I was obsessed is that Anubis was one of my guarding spirits. As I did a past life mediation session and learn that he protected me when I was some sort of priest (which I don't know) in Egypt and protecting me in this life form a distance. And when I was in my late teens, I had a Spiritual Jackal following me around a night normally when I walk home after going out clubbing etc. which I just associated with Anubis. Which I was wrong, hence the question in top of this post. How I knew the Jackal use to follow me around and this sound weird, is that my aura or that my energy close to my body felt like was turning into the Jackal itself, you can say some sort of shapeshifting as you will. For Example, my ears felt pointy and my nails felt the claws although it did not physically happen, the best way to describe it was I felt like I was wearing an invisible Jackal coat. And the dogs use to bark and it also felt like my sense of hearing and sight also heighten. But that has passed as I do not travel at night that often and certainly don't walk in these dangerous times.

Does the symbolism of the animal still stands, and is it possible that a familiar of yours work through someone else like a partner.

Is there a reason why, but all the spiritual creatures I come into contact or contact me are always link to omen of bad news and death. Where to my knowledge nothing ?bad? happen apart from one incident and was not even consider bad.

Thank you all
Many Blessing