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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Deja Vu
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Original Post:
by: Ictos on Aug 12, 2022

I recently had a number of experiences and I already feel the answer but I wanted to reach out and ask this community.

Has anyone ever visited/been somewhere they have never been before in their life, but seems extremely familiar to the point where original thoughts and assumptions are verified by online research such as maps, old photos from archives, etc?

I recently traveled to support firefighting effort and I found myself in a near ghost town. In the 1930s there was around 2500 people and now only 170ish people remain, nearly all of them descended from original residents or settlers, or the Tanaha (Tobacco Plains Tribe). It wouldn't be hard to find where I mention, but out of respect for the locals and the area, I won't mention any other names besides the traditional land that it sits on.

On the first day thereI had a local lady seek me out after I was exploring. I'd asked her if she'd seen a very specific kind of medicine and she claimed to have one in her backyard. I was taken aback and asked specific questions and sure enough she did! This medicine only grows in very high elevation areas, but even then, they like to hide.

After meeting her and trying to see if there were others around, I realized I hadn't come to this area for my mundane intentions, but a whole other goal I have been driving towards most of my childhood and all my adult life vegan to clarify. I began fasting and practicing sleep deprivation in extreme heat. I began having visions of where buildings were and the people Id met and the first time I laid down for a meditative rest (no more than 1 hr) I could see native encampments, and others, that had formand gone. I reached out to my new friend and theywere extremely helpful in helping me locate exact locations.

There's a great deal of other fine nuanced experiences I'll admit has my head spinning. I used to have trouble keeping both feet in this world, now it feels like I have one firmly planted in each world. I'm looking for some advice, ideas, people who are willing to bounce some ideas around. There's so much to process and the energywas so intense.