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Original Post:
by: M.White on Apr 05, 2020

Because of the recent Coronavirus Outbreak, I have found myself, as a healer, with a lot of people coming to me for advice and asking for solutions. Not being knowledgeable about the topic, I have done my research and have decided to post a synthesis of everything I have read, hoping it would help all of you here as healers to give the right recommendation for people coming to you for advice. Hope this will help you as it sure did me and it would make your research take less more time, as I have been dealing with this topic for the last couple of weeks in order to finally be able to know what to tell the people around me.

1.Short Explanation of Coronavirus

Scientifically known as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Related Coronavirus 2, this is the virus that causes the disease called COVID-19.

Coronavirus, just like any other viruses, is genetic material encapsulated in a lipid envelope. Its resistance in an outside environment depends on temperature, humidity and material in which it is deposited. Its whole reproductive chance is to find a host by entering aerial ways and getting in contact with mucus that is part of the respiratory system. Slowly it reaches the lungs where it proliferates.

A Coronavirus reaches an epithelial pulmonary cell and enters its genetic material inside it by connecting its membrane to a receptor called ACE2 Receptor. The cell takes the genetic material inserted as instructions to create more Coronaviruses by copying and reassembling the structure. As it fills with more copies, the cell membrane disintegrates, releasing all the new Coronaviruses that go and do the same to other pulmonary cells.

After 10 days, give or take, it is estimated that millions of body cells get infected. And this is the moment where the situation gets critical because of the immune system that realizes something is not quite okay with the body. The immune system realises that the situation is very bad quite late in the progress of spreading Coronaviruses in the cells, therefore, in order to try and make up for the time that was lost, it is going to have a very aggressive response towards it. Now you might think this is good, but not quite. It is quite a double-aged sword and I shall explain why.

The immune system has huge power in our organism, and this is the reason why it is strictly regulated by a very complex system of cells and informers. The first response of the immune system is quite weak, and many Coronaviruses start infecting the immune fighter cells themselves, creating chaos and messing with the informers (cytokines) that normally help the communication between the fighter cells. The infected immune cells are going to release a huge amount of cytokines which is going to make the immune system overreact by sending Neutrophiles and Killer T Cells.

To make sure everyone understands what this means, I shall explain it with a metaphor I heard from my biology teacher. Imagine you want to kill a person in a village, and instead of going with a gun and shooting that person, you?d send a bomb that would kill the whole village. Neutrophiles and Killer T Cells are very efficient, but they kill a lot of healthy cells in the process of getting rid of the enemy. The effect can lead to life-long damage for the pulmonary tissues, worst cases could even lead to fibrosis. Also important to me mentioned is the fact that the immune system wastes a lot of energy with creating these types of cells, leaving it weaker.

When the Coronavirus infection is finally over, it leaves behind a lot of damage tissues and an extremely weak immune system, basically a perfect environment for bacteria that normally would not be able to harm you to create infections, ending with septicaemia and eventually death.

2.How infectious is the Coronavirus?

To be able to grasp how infectious the Coronavirus is, it is best to compare it to the common flu. British Scientists have agreed upon a common figure, that a person carrying the flu is going to spread it 1.4 people, and the person carrying Coronavirus is going to spread it to 3 other people. Keep in mind that biostatistics is quite volatile, but it will give us an idea about how serious the infection rate is. And now, having that in mind, let us try to comprehend what these numbers actually mean.

Common Flu: 1 => 1.4
- 1st generation we have 1 infected person, who is going to infect 1 other person (+40% another one)
- 2nd generation we have 1 infected person( +40%) who is going to infect another person (+40%)
- 3rd generation we have 1 infected person (+80%) who is going to infect 2 other people (+20%)
- 4th generation we have 2 infected people (+20%) who are going to infect 2 other people (+40% each)
- 5th generation we have 3 infected people, etc.

Coronavirus: 1=>3
- 1st generation we have 1 infected person
- 2nd generation we have 3 infected people
- 3rd generation we have 9 infected people
- 4th generation we have 27 infected people
- 5th generation we have 81 infected people, etc.

This is the reason why authorities react as they do in the face of a virus with such high contagious rate. The number will grow exponentially in cases of COVID-19 infections.

3. What can we do as healers for the people that come to us and seek for help?

First, it is very important to understand that traditional medicine and the authorities in charge, who we work with, not against, have not yet found a cure or vaccine against the Coronavirus. The best thing we can do at the moment is advise them to follow advice coming from Medical Institutes and Government: social distancing, extra attention paid towards hygiene and seeking medical help where the situation worsens. On top, I have been preparing quite a lot of potions to boost the immune system (potions based on fruits and garlic are the best), that I usually recommend drinking 2 per day, one in the morning and one before bedtime, as they have this effect on the immune system. Fruits provide the vitamins needed and garlic not only boosts the immune system, but works as a natural antibiotic for the body, not as efficient as pharmaceutical antibiotics, but those should only be taken just when an infection is confirmed, whereas garlic can be taken no matter the actual situation of the patient.

I wish to remind you one more thing, people also need to be healed and protected spiritually during these times, so be compassionate, kind, empathetic, recommend amulets and charms meant for protection and a lot of prayer and meditation.
There is a need for action, not for panic. Let?s remain calm, attentive and vigilant.


(Kaeble D, Cowhig M. Correctional populations in the United States, 2016. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, April 2018)