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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: Ancient Spell for Seeing
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Original Post:
by: TheMage0322 on Nov 03, 2016

I used to practice a spell that allowed me to see spirits. Its best to perform this on Samhain. What you need is yourself, marijuana(for altering state of mind), and a closet:

The first step is to smoke the weed changing the way your mind works releasing all emotion. Go into the closet in the darkness. assume the chalice position, as if you were drawing down the moon, and chant the following: "Ancient world of spirits and ghouls, this is real and im not a fool, I wish to trespass on this foreign plane , please dont harm me and I wont do the same. Allow me to explore around, now I will Spin 3X round."
After this spin 3X counter-clockwise and when you are done you should feel cold because you are in a place where spirits dont need warmth. it will look just like where you were but you will be seeing the spirits. you wont teleport but you are in the rift between the worlds meaning you can see your friends and family as well as spirits. everyone around you can also see you. but they wont see what you are seeing. you are seeing the other side. you can explore all you want. when you are done go back in your closet then spin 3X the opposite direction then you will be back home. if it doesnt work keep trying , practice makes perfect.