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Coven -> Spell Casters -> Re: Mom thinks Wicca's evil?
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Original Post:
by: MagickFar on Feb 15, 2014

I'm a little bit new to Wicca, but I've been studying it a lot, thanks to my Wiccan friend who let me borrow a book about it. My dad's okay with the fact that I'm a Wiccan, my sister could care less, but I'm afraid to tell my Christian mom. I eased up a little bit on Wicca to her, and she said that she believes Wicca is evil. I don't want to hide my beliefs from her, because she's my mom, and it's against the Wiccan Rede. I could try to explain Wicca to her, but she might not listen. She's set on her opinion. This may be off topic of the main threads (teachers, spells, etc), and I'm terribly sorry. Anyways, does anyone have any advice to tell her that I'm a Wiccan? Sorry about the long post, too.