Tarot Card Reading

Your Tarot cards have been shuffled and are spread out below.

Your spread is the Tree of Life. Below is a brief summary of what each card in its position means.

Card Position 1 - Death Reversed Card Position 2 - Ace of Wands Card Position 3 - 2 of Pentacles Card Position 4 - Ace of Cups Card Position 5 - 4 of Wands Reversed Card Position 6 - Queen of Pentacles Card Position 7 - 4 of Cups Reversed Card Position 8 - Wheel of Fortune Reversed Card Position 9 - The Moon Reversed Card Position 10 - 7 of Wands

Magic Video Tree of Life Video
Watch this video for details about the Tree of Life spread from our video library.
A reminder that this is a VERY brief summary of your spread. Typically the analysis of each card can be as long or longer then everything written below.

The Tree of Life spread is used for giving you a general summary of a person's current situation and concerns.. There are 10 cards in this spread. If you place your mouse over any card you will be able to see the card position number and the name of the card delt there. This is what your spread means:

Death (reversed) The inquirer's spirital world.
Card: Death (reversed) - Boredom, stagnation, refusal to adapt.

Ace of Wands Drive and spheres of responsibility.
Card: Ace of Wands - Career opportunities.

2 of Pentacles Factors in the inquierer's life.
Card: 2 of Pentacles - Indicates a balancing act.

Ace of Cups Financial matters.
Card: Ace of Cups - Joy, happiness, love, friendship.

4 of Wands (reversed) Strife and challenge.
Card: 4 of Wands (reversed) - Conclusion is likely to be delayed.

Queen of Pentacles Achievemens and success.
Card: Queen of Pentacles - A warm-hearted woman.

4 of Cups (reversed) Love and emotional attachments.
Card: 4 of Cups (reversed) - Fear of being alone.

Wheel of Fortune (reversed) Worldly matters.
Card: Wheel of Fortune (reversed) - Bad luck is on it's way.

The Moon (reversed) The unconcious mind.
Card: The Moon (reversed) - Beware the world of illusion.

7 of Wands Roots, home, family and close relationships.
Card: 7 of Wands - A strugle.