Open All Seven Chakras

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Open All Seven Chakras
Post # 1
Items Needed
Seven chakras incense
Seven chakras candle
Lighter or match

Casting instructions
Light the seven chakras incense, then light the the seven chakras candle and repeat the following:

When all of our chakras are open
energy can run through them
freely and harmony exists between
the physical body, mind and

Do this for seven days. Would this spell work?
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Re: Open All Seven Chakras
Post # 2
No. Opening your chakras requires more efficient methods such as channeling water which is the main source of survival for the human body to continue functioning until you finally die. Most of the World is made of water - why do you think that would be? And it's quite pretty simple. I respect your opinion and ideals but that will not work because it does NOT affect your body in a good manner - and incense is cancerous, use it once a month only. Your chakras are energy points in your body. Infact, we possess more than 7 chakras. We have many!

Take a 1 minute iced shower and wash your head fully, don't worry about the shock (unless you suffer from an underlying condition such as a heart problem - if you do, don't take cold showers). It is the equivalent to hundreds of milligrams of caffeine and it pours open all your chakras after the shower. After 30 days of doing this, you might even feel electric shocks going through your body from all the open chakras.

Take a hot shower, pause for 1 minute to bathe yourself in blue soap or blue soap gel and wash yourself fully all over your body with the blue soap. Wait 30 seconds-1 minute before turning on the water again and clean your body.

There you go.

Blessed be.

- Paul
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Re: Open All Seven Chakras
Post # 3
You're chakras are already opened its just the matter of balancing them and not spinning too fast or too slow. Paying more attention to them and working on the kundalini is much more effective of working with the chakras.
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Re: Open All Seven Chakras
By: / Novice
Post # 4

A common thing people talk about with chakras is how they are closed and you should open them.

Your chakras are always open. They are energy points in your body in some cultures and these energy points don't close. The thing that happens is they become out of balance or unwanted energies which might cause them to seem "blocked".

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Re: Open All Seven Chakras
By: / Novice
Post # 5
I think that 'closed' chakras is in reference to their function, flow, and general condition being weak. To me it feels like it has become a sort of umbrella term for their overall state.

The tricky part with terminology when it comes to this stuff, is that we are trying to quantify abstract ideas. We are using terms that represent (at best) a analogies to the processes we want to describe. Which can be individual in meaning based on personal understandings.

For example, I equate a chakra being 'open' particularly with flow of energy. If energy moves into and out of the point easily, without restriction, and in a balanced way (IE not pushing out more than it is taking in, or vice-versa), then it would be Open. So it is based on movement in relation to itself, and (to me) not equated with strength.

While A chakra's balance, in my mind, refers to the flow and abundance or volume of energy moving through a chakra in relation to the others in it's system. So balanced flow would mean (in this case) an even Ness of flow between and from all of the seven major points.

And the 'strength' (A term that is itself very open to interpretation of definition) refers to the overall quality/vibration of the energy the chakra is comprised of. Which can sometimes reflect in color and guiding intention.

But these are all my own understandings, closed by the information I have found, the experiences I have had, and my own surmisings. Different people learn different things and apply them in their own ways. So evening the broad-stroke ideas might share much in common ground, the finer details can have a lot of variety. ...Truth be told it is thatvariwty that makes me love conversations like this, there's always a new or different take to consider!
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Re: Open All Seven Chakras
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Darn typo's/autocorrect ...

-...But these are all my own understandings, closed by the information I have found, ...

Should be
-... But these are all my own understandings, formed by the information I have found, ...

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