Human-Fae offspring?

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Human-Fae offspring?
Post # 1
I've been looking into this particular topic for ages now, but have only found a smattering of blog posts and one (1) singular academic essay.

I'm curious what's known about the offspring of humans and fae. Very specifically not changelings, every time I search I get changeling lore or information and that is definitely something else entirely. There are certainly a number of historical examples in folklore, but rarely do they extend much into the modern era, if at all. I've read that often the half-human children are generally just very intelligent with little physical changes or gifts from their fae parent (with some exceptions in terms of merfolk or selkie parents) and that there's some sort of ritual to initiate to claim gifts tied to their non-human birthright. I've brought far more ordinary things up to others to lead up to these sorts of questions and have been called crazy, so I don't have a lot in terms of directions people could point me in. Hopefully here it's different.
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Re: Human-Fae offspring?
Post # 2
Assuming you are not looking at this as Reality, but rather researching the Literary Roots of the thing, it seems odd for people to call you "crazy" on it.

If you are looking at it as 'reality,' crazy would be outright rude; they should have informed you that it's not possible, as Fae in the Physical sense do not really exist in this world, as far as we know. (A good General Rule for Beginners; if someone makes a claim, such as that Alien Abductions are real, but there is not a single shred of physical proof to back such a claim up, then the claim is False, not having been largely observed by Empirical Methods.)

I also don't want to discourage the Pursuit of such Literature. It has its purposes in Magick and in Spellcasting. 90% of Magic is Symbolism. Good Magick is steeped in the Old Lore and its Symbology. It would be good for you to understand that a Witch itself is very symbolic. Today's Witches are more Empirically-Minded and not driven to the Fantasies that previous Generations of Witches were. Witches today understand that anything in defiance of the Laws of Nature and Physics is almost wholly without credibility in today's Modern World. Like Science, Magick is a Tool and Resource which helps up achieve outcomes we might not have been able to without such Tools.

But I am not much help with the Lore of the Fae, so I apologize for that much. I have not extensively studied the Fae, my specialties more being Vampires and Werewolves. I also advise you to take anyone with Spells to become any such creature or to connect with Fae in a sense that they imply is real, with a grain of salt. (And if I wasn't clear, Vampires and Werewolves do not exist in a physical sense either.)

Hope this helps! :)
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