Hello everyone I've been a long time observe of the site and decide to make an account to ask a question that's been bothering me for a while.
Because of personal life experiences, I'm a pretty negative person, and i have a lot of anger inside of me. Ive been trying to astral project for about 4 months and have had zero results. Upon reading the astral projection forums, I've read that one has to be grounded and has to be filled with positive thoughts but I'm confused. I want to use astral projection as a way to escape my anger and the overall life so i can be filled with positive thoughts and become grounded, but it seems i have to escape my anger, overall life, become grounded and be positive first to astral projection and i just don't know if i can do it. Has anyone had a similar experience and if so, how did you break free of your anger and negative thoughts.
Or instead of escaping anger is there a way for me to use it to astral project if so let me know
Thanks in advance.
Anger, especially depending on its reasons, is a symptom more than a result. Sometimes it is just having a quick temper, and that aspect of yourself can be brought under better control -- better disciplined.
Sometimes, however, anger is the only way some people know how to express certain emotions and mental states, such as stress, anxiety, not knowing how to cope well with a given situation.
Sometimes anger is about wanting more control, somehow believing one should have some control over others, or feels like their own control over their immediate circumstance has been violated.
If you want the long, difficult journey, search within. Find your anger, and explore its sources. In the mean time, learn anger management techniques, to help quell the expressions of anger while continuing to find the genuine reasons. Be objective; don't seek excuses. Do shadow work, Jungian visualization exercises, trancework, and ask productive open questions.
If you want a shorter route, seek a profesisonal. A well-trained talk therapist can help unravel the deep knots of your psyche and find the sources much, much faster, putting you on the road to discovering those inner parts of yourself, and working with you, with those aspects of yourself, to get your temper -- or what is inspiring the anger -- dealt with, or at least more under control.