coping with loss....

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coping with loss....
Post # 1
Hello and thanks for any consideration.

A friend of mine lost his mother back in September and is still having a hard time dealing with this. He has much regret about time not spent with her and the fact that he can no longer turn to her advice is also really setting in.

He reached out to me for help.

Does anyone know of any spells that would give him peace and help him to move forward?

He doesn't practice but has given me full permission to work on his behalf.
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Re: coping with loss....
Post # 2
Time, unfortunately, is the only real answer. Grief happens differently for everyone, and even when it is difficult, it is best to seek acceptance, processing the loss of the loved one. It takes time.

Keep an eye. Make sure your friend doesn't go off the emotional deep end over losing his mother. Risk exists for feelings of deep guilt, the bargaining stage can lead people to bad decisions, and anger can lead to rash actions. Approach these things individually and with great care. A truth spell hoping for him to confront his grief might force him to face an aspect he is not ready to, and leave him with difficulty.
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