Curse and binding spell

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Curse and binding spell
Post # 1
Hello my name is Jay I'm posting this because for the last year and a half I don't know what it is but it's something that's been attached to me almost looks like bugs most of the time and just will not leave me alone all day long I see him when I'm walking following me I go everywhere I go there they're with me I cannot get rid of them my stepdad that recently died he had a love curse put on him from his ex-wife and I think or I know that he reversed the spell on my last name a curse on the Johnson's family name so that's one thing second thing is the bug thing I'm talking about or whatever it is I tried everything to get rid of it I don't know what to do it's driving me mentally insane it's taken over my whole life I do not know what to do anymore I mean I have proof of what this thing is when it's attached to me and it almost looks like just looks like a bunch of people's faces laughing and doing like sticking out their tongue just like thinking it's funny I don't know what to explain it it's a long story it's been going on for a long time and then I was in a car accident a year and a half ago too dislocated my leg and basically cheated death and ever since I came out of the hospital it seems like all this has been gotten worse I seriously need help because it's getting to the point where I feel like it's almost like gang stalking or something it's like that it's almost like they're trying to want me to kill myself that's how makes me feel sometimes it's overwhelming what's going on it's just non-stop everyday
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Re: Curse and binding spell
Post # 2
I would have my eyes checked firstly
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Re: Curse and binding spell
Post # 3
It could be something the accident triggered in your mind. It wouldn't be a bad idea to ask a doctor, maybe not a shrink, but an MD.
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