Trouble with vision

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Trouble with vision
Post # 1
Hi all. So this morning I tried to astral project while lucid dreaming and it didn't went well. One half of my vision was blurred and the other half it's well... kind of hard to explain, for a person of my level of vocabulary. For example take a photo of your room, and try to look around your room with the photo you just took near to your eye. Yeah it's sort of like that, I could only see one frame of my room and it was just stuck there. Is it something wrong with the technique I'm doing or is there just something wrong with my eyes? Please help.
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Re: Trouble with vision
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I suppose the first thing to do is lay fears to rest. Your eyes are fine. Astral travel is a shift of awareness and perception. You aren't using your actual eyes to see and experience your surroundings.

The strange dual vision might be tied in with an incomplete process... At least that's the first thought that springs to mind. Perhaps the static side (the one like an unmoving photo) is because you are still aware of your body and the idea you belong in it. While the 'blurry' vision is your perspective from an astral level. It sounds like you are trying to process information from two places at once; from your physical self (looking out from your still body) and your astral level of awareness.

I'd say just keep practicing and see how things develop. You might just need to get used to the idea and sensations of being both a body and separate from it.

As for the blurry vision part, I wonder, do you happen to wear glasses (or other visual correction)? If so, it is probably just a habit of expecting to need glasses to perceive your surroundings clearly. Maybe it would help in the short term to visualize putting them on, paying particular attention to the feeling wearing them. Something familiar and constant to tell yourself you are wearing them while astral/separate from your body.

Barring that, another possibility is again that you are instinctively trying to see using your physical eyes. If it keeps being troublesome try spending some time in deliberate practice. As you find yourself successfully shifting to an astral level of perception, mentally close your eyes and think about the idea of feeling out your surroundings. Think about the emotions and mental imagery of your surroundings. The energy of the environment. Does it feel restful? Natural? Artificial? Organic or rigidly structured? Sheltered or open?

It is similar to going outside so.ewhere random and closing your eyes. You can feel things that tell you where you are, even if your vision is blocked. Hearing, smelling, feeling sunlight (or cool shadow), you can be still and identify a place by its feel and energy. From there, rebuild a mental picture based from what you feel. See where it takes you.
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