I need it please

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I need it please
Post # 1
Hey i am new and it would be awesome if you could tell me a spell that will make the other one agree to what you say or atleast encgnce the possibilities
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Re: I need it please
Post # 2

What if what you want is not reasonable in the first place?

What, precisely, are you trying to accomplish?

It's unethical to force people's free will. Just don't do that.

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Re: I need it please
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: I need it please
Post # 4
I know that i just want to ask my parents for money
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Re: I need it please
Post # 5

Then ask them, making a reasonable case for it. Offer to earn it through extra work at home, or, considering you're old enough to post here, offer to rake neighbors' yards and other similar small tasks here and there for a few bucks. It's how people have earned money as a young person for a very, very long time.

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Re: I need it please
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Always bear in mind that money has to come from somewhere. In order for your parents to give you money they need to be able to afford it. Adulting is -really- expensive and every dollar counts. Money has meaning and every dollar has time spent working for it.

Think of it this way; say someone is paid ten dollars per hour of work, and they have a 100.00 bill to pay. They need to work ten hours to pay it. But not really, because they don't actually even get that ten dollars. They actually only get five or six dollars because almost half is taken away for taxes. Then when that bill comes it also has tax making it 115.00 instead. So now a person has to work over fifteen hours to get something that they should only have to work ten for.

But to get to that job to work for those ten hours they need a way to get there, like a car. And that car has payments that a person also has to work for; Another value of... let's be generous and say only another $20.00 considering it's a monthly payment, so it is spread out. And that drive costs fuel- $5.00 of expense.

Now it is costing $150.00 to earn enough to pay $100.00 to a bill at only $6.00 per hour taken home. Or about 25 hours of work needed to pay for something that started as a (measly) 100.00 bill. And this is still not taking into account other factors and necessities like food and drink during work.

And even if a person makes more money per hour, like say twenty dollars, even though it sounds like twice as much (half the time, right?) That time is either spent working harder every hour, taxed more heavily (can be that more than half goes away), or there are more debts added and taking away from how much each hour of work is actually worth. Like additional bills from education debt. Yearly certification renewals, extra work or education as upkeep. And so on.

The best way to gain money is to earn it yourself. Offer to do extra chores (and actually do them), Grab a rake, some gloves, and see if you can rake leaves for people in your neighborhood. Or genuinely weigh just how important it is to get this thing you want the money for, and if it is really worth committing the work to get it.
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