Free Money Spell

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Free Money Spell
Post # 1
Its always best to cast your spell by yourself! Follow the instruction in this link to cast a free money spell:
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Re: Free Money Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Hmm... an interesting article indeed. I appreciate that it went into the ties between money, energy, giving, and gratitude. Though I would add that an act if giving does not need to be money itself. Volunteering. Offering time to help others. Something small even like helping someone carry something heavy to their car. Or actually pulling over to check on someone parked at the side of the road with the four-ways on instead of driving by. Even if that offer of help is declined, it reminds people that someone cares. And it let's you remind yourself of the same thing. That you are one of those someones.

The article mentions that the world mirrors us. And in many ways that is true. None Moreso than our attitudes. Helping, giving, caring. These things relieve stress, connect you to people, and actively draws up compassion. These things make us smile. They brighten our eyes (all the more noticeable thanks to the necessity of masks) and soften the voice. You feel, and also look more approachable. More positive. Like a person people more actively want to help.

Though, of course there is a strong and important caveat. Money, like anything else, is not free. A person can not walk an old lady across a street and expect next month's rent to drop from the sky, carried to you on the wings of doves. You want a job, you need to pound the pavement. Review your resume. Add those volunteer hours onto your work experiences. Arrive for the interviews prepared and on time. Find and engage employment programs- Most will at the very least help you refine your resumes even if they don't offer job placement or temp worker services. And most importantly, value yourself enough to put in the effort. (Which caring for others is quite good at teaching).

And such practices need to be a lifestyle change, not a one-time transaction. The act of giving needs to be habit, to become a part of who you are and a demonstration of how you work to improve yourself as a person. Genuine action isn't something you do once then forget it. (Though it can be part of the transition. Don't give up and keep on trying!)

Working magic creates opportunities. It inclines situations towards favorable results. But it does not compel.

All of that soapbox-in-the-crowd, flamboyant grandstanding aside I do like the 'lucky penny' jar spell idea though. I can see it being a helpful step in the right direction. And something you can do while wandering about, passing resumes.

One thought hit me though... If you find a penny, leave a nicken face up in its place. If you find a nickel, leave a dime. Find a dime, leave a quarter. If you can. It can be another form of gratitude, and symbolic of wishing for someone else to find an even greater blessing than your own. Sort of like the idea of paying it forward.
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