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Post # 1
I got fear of thunderstorm and lighting isn't thunder afraid it lightning afraid off and second fear is fire don't why this you see last thunderstorm and lightning I was get cats there food in summer house then another minture I would be hit with tree from lighting so very luck at day but now it make scare of Thunderstorm and lightning
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Re: Fear
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Could you try that one more time in a more comprehensible form?
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Re: Fear
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I believe I understand the situation, but just to check... You have recently become afraid of lightning, a fear that started after being nearly struck. Is that correct?

If so, I am sure that what is happening is pretty normal. Traumatic events do that. When things happen that threaten our safety, we want to avoid them happening again by interest of self-preservation. This also means that solutions are available with the right support. The most common is controlled exposure therapy, which is a gradually increasing repetition of being exposed to the things that trigger your anxieties. Starting from a distant and separated example (in your case possibly a picture or low-volume sound recording) and going from there as you regain your comfort.
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