I quit black magic.

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I quit black magic.
Post # 1
Hello, I wanted to share my story. This is going to be a long one, Over the Years I Have personally learned from my Actions and Hopefully help others who have crossed paths with this (fallen) Arch Angel.

When I was 17, I was Addicted to Dark magic. It worked for me far too well. I lived at the time In a Semi-abusive home due to my mother always filling a void with TOXIC men. I was raised "Christian" which always had flaws to me personally. Now moving on from that note, I used the aggression and pain that came with my unconscious following of my Mothers footsteps to my advantage. The feeling of needing a man to solve my problems.

I was in a lot of abusive relationships that lead me down a path of self hate. I ended up moving back into my moms house. After she divorced the man who DESPISED ME. which caused her to choose between me or him. That of course ended up being him. I had met many witches who influenced my magic and downward spiral into the abyss in which dark magic lay. I had completely devoted my entire 16th and 17th year of life for this longing for dramatic change.

one night after once again being used as a house maid and money maker, I had reached a point of exhaustion. I had neighbors who adored me and knew my situation, and on my 17th birthday gave me a large box of Booz in which I snuck into my room and hid in my closet. During that night I visited a friend who lived a few doors away as we both shared the same birthday. I didnt stay long as everyone there was suffocating me with unmatched energies that made me uncomfortable.

as I left I came across a black cat with eyes of gold meowing at me asking me to follow.
I hesitated as I felt a strong dark present in the air. quickly returning to my room. as I sat I heard my moms boyfriend talking about how Inconsiderate I was for not cooking them dinner.
I finally sat and plugged in my headphones and sat in front of my mirror and started crying uncontrollably. Using mirror magic I started begging Lucifer or someone to please Love me or do something!!

At that moment pictures flew off the walls at my mom and her boyfriend. which encouraged them to suddenly come into my room Screaming at me about how I let a demon into their house, they quickly took my Ouija bored and threw it in the dumpster. this was the start of the problem. by the time everyone was asleep I had decided to attempt to end my life. I took a whole bottle of our sleeping pills, and chugged as much whiskey as I could. Sadly or happily whichever seems to fit, I woke up the next day laying on my floor with a sever stomach ache. I was angry but I continued my day as if nothing happened.

that night, I joined a video group chat on a site for people with similar interest, and met a guy named Swan. (this is not his real name) just an alias. we started dating and one night he video called me, He was under the influence of a bad drug. He suddenly stared at me and said these words. "You asked for me, and here I am". Sitting there bewildered, I asked what he meant and it suddenly hit me.
Like a train, it shot fear up and down my spine. He proclaimed to be an Arch Angel.

He said "He heard my cries". From then on things got Even worse.
Not only was he Abusive, But very Controlling. Where it started....
I met a girl at my friends Birthday and we exchanged numbers. she found out I was into Witchcraft from my friend. Which sparked her Interest in me. Suddenly she was hanging out with me daily. I brought up Crow after a few nights of doing Magic with her. I had told her about events that had happened which is where the Chaos really started.

She started showing up at my job and taking me for rides, Whispering to Her Friend who Claimed to be a vampire, and she a werewolf. just under the ability of my hearing. I started feeling uneasy around her. as if a shift in the way she treated me. suddenly one night we were hanging out, and she looked me in the eyes and Called me "Lilith". which at the time I had no idea who that was. as I had only really started witch craft a year ago and was basically just getting my feet wet.

anyways long story short they tried killing me, Drugging me aka Date -ape(cencored) drugs and other things.
I'm still alive so it didnt work. she also was begging the "vampire" to kill me during the drives to the mountain and wanting to go walking around the mountain in the pitch black with them. luckily my instincts were not to get out of the car, and they ended up taking me home every time.

back to Swan, After I had told him about it he wanted me to stop hanging out with her. which I tried. she would show up and my parents would LET HER IN. after the Kidnapping my parents were still allowing her around me after the POLICE told them to just ignore her and not let her around me since >>she had done this to other people.
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Re: I quit black magic.
Post # 2
Looking back my entire 17year old life was CRINGE worthy. I look lame and really Dumb. which is fine. I have to learn from my mistakes. the entire thing grosses me out.
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Re: I quit black magic.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Hi katgoddess, please remember not to type your words in all capital letters, it's against site rules.

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