Last Nights Dream

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Last Nights Dream
Post # 1

The Werewolf & The W indigo

My dreams (if you can call it that) are usually thwart with terrifying apparitions, monsters of the human variety and an extremely dystopian landscape. While the tale im about to tell may sound equally nightmarish, it was for me a slight deviation away from the usual night terrors. I was in a snowy tundra like area, camping with a bunch of people I wasn't familiar with. But suddenly we were all being hunted by this predator like creature. For some reason, in our camp was a werewolf. A friendly one. And the moment the creature attacked, we all ran (all that was left of us). But what made this very scary, was the werewolf ran with us too. In fact, it was so scared of this thing it carried me and the other girl on its back. Now don't get me wrong, I personally do not believe that these things exist, not that I think its impossible. It could be that they do. But ive yet to see them. Good old hippocampus for creating this experience.

But unfortunately this thing that was chasing us got the werewolf and pretty much killed it within a matter of seconds. Now, we were all alone with this thing we couldn't see. It moved too fast for us to see, but it appeared humanoid/dog like in appearance. I think its because id watched an episode of supernatural a few nights ago that featured a windigo, and now this windigo had found Its way through the vision centers of my brain and into my dreams! On my person was a large rucksack, of which I pulled out a shotgun and some shells. While I possess some basic military training, a shotgun isn't a weapon ive used before. But it seemed pretty self explanatory. I loaded the shells into the chamber, was now loaded and ready to fire. My hands were shaking with fear, not to mention the girl who was with me was badly injured too and had to carry her on my back. The overwhelming pressure of the weight, coupled with a terrifying sense of helplessness.

Because this windigo had taken out our best chance of survival. Suddenly it jumped out at us, and in panic I fired. A miss. I turned again just as it was right on top of me and fired again. Hit. This time it got it, but only mildly wounding it before it began to circle back. I saw a river up ahead and in a split second, had to decide to either reload my shotgun or try and cross the river. I decided on the latter to try put distance between us and that thing. So I made a last ditch sprint and seeing a gap, jumped. We didn't make it to the other side and sank. When we re-submerged. We were in a swimming pool and no windigo, so in dream terms. This felt like a lucky escape.

God I love what the brain can do!

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