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By: / Beginner
Post # 1

I feel like my intuition is broken. Everyone always says that when charging energy for spells you need to wait till you "feel" that it's enough. Please don't tell me that. For some reason that doesn't work for me and that what magic is all about finding stuff that works or doesn't work for you. Is there any way I can figure out if I am putting enough energy into something to manifest it. Like I would be charging a candle for 15 minutes and I will feel no urge to stop even if I did it for 20. Like, seriously I just want to get stuff done but there is no sense of direction. like if I ever cast a circle I wouldn't be able to send energy to the ground because I would feel there wasn't enough energy to protect me. What should I do?

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Re: Energy
Post # 2

You don't have to wait till you feel enough energy. I've never done stuff like that. I just wait for a while, maybe a second or two while I gather my thoughts. I don't try to feel the energy. I know that it's there and I acknowledge it's presence. I cast the spell, focus on what I want, and then let the energy flow. I don't try to feel it. I know it's there and for me, that's enough. You don't have to feel the energy. Just because one person does it doesn't mean you have to do the same. It's like smoking, you feel both an urge to keep going and to stop (usually). The good thing here would be to stop.

Intuition can't be broken. It's like energy, something which doesn't have any actual mass. Anything without mass cannot be broken. Your intuition is fine. If you want to learn more about feeling energy, than look into energy-work. Jbittersweet's youtube channel has some guides on chi balls and stuff, so look into that. There are some good spells and articles on this site too. Just use the search bar. I hope I helped you with what you needed. : )

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Re: Energy
Post # 3

I am inclined to agree. Your intuition is not broken, it's just not sure what it's keeping an eye out for. Energy is energy. Anything with mass, obviously has enenrgy. But things with no physical mass, also have energy, it is just calculated slightly differently. Being creatures with both physical and mental capacities/energies, we usually only pay attention to the things that affect us physically, largely ignoring the emotional aspects of our existence. This is what makes it hard for some to cast successfully. When one casts a spell, but doesn't rely on their own emotional energy, for the work to succeed, it must get energy from somewhere. In the case where casters claim to not feel anything when they cast, is because they are not powering it directly. IF it works, it will be because of the spirits nearby, who are attracted to said person. The energy the spirit world works with, is not one that can be simply detected, or calculated using strictly physical means. It literally relies on our intent, and if applicable, uses the emotional energy that we gather to allocate toward the goal.

Our bodies act as a sophisticated antennae. When a chill runs up your spine, that is your body reacting to emotional stimulus. Same thing when something makes your hair stand up, or weakens your knees, or gives you a suspicious feeling that something will happen,(then it does) Even though it is felt by the body, the energy is not seen. It is felt subtly, emotionally. Rage, is an emotion, coupled with fear or concern, it can give our bodies amazing strength for a short time. Yes it's because of adrenaline, but what do you think produces that rush, if it wasn't for your emotions activating the glands? Casting without raising energy is akin to higher magics, where one depends on external spirits to achieve said goal.( like a prayer) But if you want to do things on your own steam, Your spirit has to be known to your self. One must understand that we each have our own spirit, in which to power our works, and the body is specifically made to help us repel, or conduct spiritual energies as we see fit. If your emotions don't affect your body at all, then your intuition may be blocked. But we are not really broken until we pass on. At that point, the body no longer holds the capacity to express our emotion, and so has no way to make change in the subtle energetic plane, that is our collective emotion at large. Hope this helps.

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