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Post # 1
I am seeking to involve magi in my Christian faith. I know variations such as Christian-Pagan, Christian Wicca, and Tri-Christian exist but I know little of the differences. I hope to grow my in spirit and faith here. Peace!
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Re: Howdy
Post # 2

You may also consider, quite simply, esoteric Christianity.

The parable of casting one's pearls before swine is a description that there is more information than a surface reading would simply give away.

Christianity is also incorporated in many other religions and practices, such as Appalachian folk or granny magic, to give just one example.

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Re: Howdy
Post # 3
I've never heard of Esoteric Christianity. I'll make sure to look it up, thank you.
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Re: Howdy
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

As was suggested, if you wish to pursue the mystical side of Christianity you might want to look into some of the lesser known off-shoots of that faith. For instance, Gnostic beliefs include those of the Holy Spirit as female and that it is absolutely possible to know the Divine without the intercession of a priest or minister. It's a very ancient form of Christianity that the Church later deemed heresy because of its claims about each person having a direct connection and knowledge of the Divine.

I would also recommend the writings of Matthew Fox, a former Catholic priest. His book "One River, Many Wells" is an excellent start.

And of course, since Christianity grew out of Judaism, you might want to look into some of the forms of esoteric practice in Judaism such as the Kabbalah/Qabbalah. The concept there of the Tree of Life is incorporated in many traditional forms of magical practice. A great introduction to that subject is "The Chicken Quabbalah" by Lon Milo Duquette.

Now, you did mention the idea of Christian Wicca. In my mind there is no such thing. The two religions are totally different and their beliefs and practice largely are in opposition to one another. Christian Witchcraft is quite a different thing. Wicca is a religion with specific beliefs and practice. Witchcraft is a form of magical practice that is open to anyone of any religion of any religion or no religion at all. Wicca is not Witchcraft and vice versa. Wiccans might practice Witchcraft, and they do. But what is central to Wicca is the religion, not the magical practices. You might want to read this article for a better explanation.

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Re: Howdy
Post # 5
Thank you for your response. I have been researching about the Gnostic gospels and found it very interesting. Anything that the church deems dangerous to its foundation is worth something of value. I have read many places that being a Christian Wiccan is not possible, but I am not here to judge those nor convert those who do practice as such. The book you suggested is something I'll look into since I consider myself a scholar. Again, thank you so much for your response, very opneing to me.
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