Addiction cure?

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Addiction cure?
Post # 1
Hi, I don't want to waste time with the back-story on why I am asking about this, but I am wondering if there are any spells to get rid of severe drug withdrawals? Or maybe just increase willpower so someone can find the strength to kick a bad drug habit, or maybe just a RESET button in the brain so it no longer needs the chemicals? I know magic can be as (if not more) effective as any medical or psychology-based approach to drug detox and definitely more affordable and private. I am just wondering what I can do magic-wise to help a severe opiate addict. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Addiction cure?
Post # 2
Magick can help so far. But sometimes it don't work instantly. When it comes to things like this it is just better to get professional help. Rehab or somthing. I mean I would love to help but things like this is somtimes beyond magick. You need professional help dear... Blessed Be.
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Re: Addiction cure?
Post # 3
okay, now this may seem like a bad opinion, but it is mine so choose to use it or not, search for a cacti called san pedro either on-line or at a nursery, they are 100% legal, and their active ingredients actually help purge the body of toxins and also helps purge the mind of various negativities and addictions, it's active compound is also not in anyway addictive and has been used by shamans and medicine men over the new world for millenia. There are a couple of other plants or herbs that can help too, they will allow a shit in his perception and conciousness, that is when you can truly begin to work with the craft on healing his soul.
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Re: Addiction cure?
Post # 4
go with rehab
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