Silence spell

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Silence spell
Post # 1
I live in a narrow street and all the appartments and shops in it are really very close.

So, there is this annoying toys shop just beside my house. He keeps playing songs with a loud voice through his speaker continually !

Imagine that, a quiet narrow street and he is playing songs loudly. I can't really concentrate when doing something important when he is playing the songs and most important I can't sleep peacfully because he keeps playing the songs even during the time of sleep !

This is really a nightmare for me.

So please I want a spell or something that I can do to keep my house silenced and quiet and unaffected by the sound waves of his loud speaker to be able to sleep and concentrate. If you don't know such a spell you may tell me of a spell that can lower the noise maybe ?
And if you don't know you can tell me about a spell that can destroy this speaker ! But just help please !
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Re: Silence spell
Post # 2
Magic cannot make that happen. However, reaching out to the person to maybe turn down the music may help. So you learning some sound-proofing techniques, and practicing meditation such that you learn to let the sound pass by without bothering you may help you more than anything else.

If you do want to use the magical route, perhaps something wishing the person to keep in mind what their loud music may be doing for others is a direction to look.
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Re: Silence spell
Post # 3
What are these sound proofing techniques or meditations and how to do them ?

Also can you tell me how to let him keep in mind that him playing songs is annoying and noisy as you said ?

I don't really know how to cast spells nor am I in a certain magical path so I want to learn.

Thank you
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Re: Silence spell
Post # 4
Sound proofing -- more accurately, dampening -- consists of two parts: Isolation and absorption. More complicated methods include building basically a box within a box, possibly with just air space between, possibly with dampening dampening or absorption materials between. Less complicated methods include covering surfaces with sound-absorbing materials, adding audio dampening panels in windows, and similar. It's not a "for meditation" thing. It's an in-general thing.

As for magic-related solutions, study. Meditate. Learn what magic is and how it works, and how to write and use spells. When you are ready, you'll know how to incorporate the right things into the spell for the desired outcome.
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