Attracting love

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Attracting love
Post # 1

I have a set of major goals to reach by my next birthday. I've met all of them but one.

Buy a house? I bought my house this past spring. It's a 3/2 on almost 2.5 acres in an area you wouldn't expect to find it. There are so many fruit and nut trees, I'd never have imagined finding such a place. And yet, here I am.

Find a not-retail steady job? I've got that, too. I work in the warehousing and distribution of fine wines and craft beers, and in the past three years (since I've set these goals) I've been given every raise possible, and two positions have been created in the company as an excuse to promote me. So, I count that as a goal met.

One goal remains, and my time grows short: Finding my next love.

This is somewhat embarassing for someone who's been practicing for so long, but I have honestly never really delved into spellwork whatsoever. I've made sigils; I've done intensive ritual work; I've meditated and visualized, immersively conversing with aspects of my unconscious mind and aspects of myself from the long past. But I have never really cast a spell.

So here's where it stands: I want to do something to the universe, divinity, whatever, helps me find my next and hopefully last, forever, love. But I'm not really sure how to approach this. I don't have a specific interest in mind, but I want to make sure I attract the right person to me, and attract me to the right person.

So, what sorts of spells or workings do you suggest? I've been told I'm attractive, so I don't see a need for a glamour in that regard. I don't lack in confidence when it's the right person, so that's already set. I have a circumstance that people will want, so that's not so much a need to convince someone to look past.

As for ingredients, I immediately have wild-grown American black cherry, as well as honey and cinnamon in my cabinet. I don't know if this would help with suggestions. The roses have all faded from my several rose bushes.

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Re: Attracting love
By: / Novice
Post # 2
It's a spell I've seen passed around a lot, but I'm not sure where it originates from. If you'd like to use it, however, feel free to. I personally haven't tried it as I'm not ready to find the one, but I hope it works for you if you do.

What you need is a space such as an altar that you can let the candles sit on for about a week. You need two candles, either pink or red or one of each. One represents you and one your partner. What you do is you light them and set them on opposite ends of the space and meditate on what you'd like in a partner, what they'd bring and what you'd bring to the relationship, anything you think is important or ideal in a relationship, etc. You can do this for as long as you want, I'd assume the more depth and detail the better. Each day for seven days do this. Each day, move the candles a bit closer together. On the seventh day, they should meet in the middle and be allowed to burn all the way down as you meditate.

It might be a little middle school love spell or a more serious one, as again I'm not sure due to not having a definite source. However, the thought and intention of it should make it work regardless. This is, in my opinion, one of the more ethical ones as it attracts an ideal partner instead of a targeted person.

Something else you might try is a jar/bottle spell to attract love. In it, make layers of things like sugar, honey, cinnamon, anything sweet tasting or that you associate with love or romance, chips of rose quarts, and maybe a sigil with your intent. While you put it together, meditate on your intent. You can seal it with a red or pink candle that you've used to charge the jar/bottle. You should optimally have this somewhere where you can see it daily or even carry it if convenient.

I hope some of this helps or guides you in the right direction! Good luck, and feel free to let me know if anything was unclear.
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Re: Attracting love
By: / Novice
Post # 3

I can relate in the sense that I have never done a love or attraction spell for myself. I have had several "crushes" and moments where I felt invisible and just wanted to know what it felt like to be physically in love. When I turned 40 this year I realized it mightnot happen. While doing rituals and spells might help align things into place, I have come to accept that not everyone has a soul mate or twin flame. I would joke a lot with friends and say that when I was created "God" forgot to make my other half, or he was distracted and therefore I am destine to be an old lady that the neighborhood kids think is strange and secretly a witch. It took a long time but I have accepted that I will grow old alone and I am somewhat alright with this thought, whereas years ago, it was my greatest fear.

But being alone isn't lonely when you have good connections. My go-to for all relationships has and always will be a honey jar spell. It is the one I use when I have poor interactions with people or I dislike someone greatly, I try really hard to overcome this and build a better relationship with them by using a honey jar to start.

I think in a sense that is what you want, something broad that will attract positive light to you in another individual where you can connect not just mentally with the crafting world but physically as well. You don't need an attraction spell, and you have already established you have confidence which is important in this area, so its just brining in the right type of person. If your current position deals with distribution and you meet with clients, a honey jar may help bring you towards interacting with someone that you will feel that connection with.

At any rate, good luck and it is nice to hear of the positive accomplishments and accolades you have been granted, especially in a time where people seem to only post or speak of the negative.


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Re: Attracting love
Post # 4

I thank you both for your responses. I'll keep them in mind.

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Re: Attracting love
Post # 5
The spell is called an Adoration Spell> "The Book of Shadows" By Brittany Nightshade. I juiced it up a bit by adding power runes to the candles
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