Dream Realm Help?

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Dream Realm Help?
Post # 1
There are a few scenarios I’d like to share to see what you all think or get from this, so in a sense I’m asking for help. My dreams are crazy and I wake up fully remembering everything that happened then can bounce back to that same dream the next night, week, even some from years ago which makes no sense without magic needed to do so. Now I know some of this is caused from the subconscious unintentionally.

Let’s makes things a little more weird tho. When dreaming nightmares of being hunted and killed in the most gruesome way, or just failing at accomplishing a goal in a dream I can just restart it back over from the beginning. This happens until I’m successful or just wake up. Some people tell me when they have drug, or sex dreams, they always wake up before they can take a hit or engage in sex. Not the case for me however.

The feeling of the high, sex, murdered and anything else are so surreal which is sometimes good or bad. Can anyone help me with this? I’m in full control most the times like a lucid dream but there are other times when I’m not. Then to be able to change up the whole dream almost instantly without waking up or go back to it another night just doesn’t seem normal.
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Re: Dream Realm Help?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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