Strange dreams I'm having

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Strange dreams I'm having
Post # 1
So Anubis is my patron ans Nyx is my matron, however Fenrir and Jörmungand keeps popping up in my dreams, it's usually when I have a nightmare.

I had this nightmare I was lost in the woods, I was cold, wet, and shivering, I remember laying down feeling exhausted, but I panicky woke up, and Fenrir was beside me... Or well, laying on me... In another nightmare, I was falling in water, I couldnt scream, breath, or move my body, but then Jörmungand appeared out of no where and caught me.

The one that is more frequent is me falling in water, now I can't swim, so I usually stay away from the ocean and lakes, or any deep waters, but I have had this sane drean 4 nights in a row, always falling in this body of water, only to have Jörmungand saving me, at some point in ny dream everything goes black, I also felt a stinging pain, and when I wake up in said dream, I'm on a boat...
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Re: Strange dreams I'm having
Post # 2

Loki children definitely seem to try and contact you. Just because you are already set with your own Parton and matron does not mean other spirits wouldn't be trying to work with you, guide you or teach you. The two of them could also be symbolic for the times that we live in 2020 with the virus going around and how they caused the end for the Norse gods themselves. They may be trying to teach you to put your worries at end for something that you can't control and that you are safe and protected.

Fenrir may be reminding you that you need to keep in contact with family and friends through the use of online. Or, keep yourself grounded and look after your health so your body won't end up being exhausted. You may also need to keep yourself warm if you are going through Autumn or if you get sick easy during the cold.

Jrmungand may be trying to remind you to remember to trust that you will be okay and try not to drown in your own emotions or it may cause you physically pain. Try and welcome these signs write down your dreams and see if their is any lessons for you to learn from that may help you with your waking life. Most likely the pair might only be around to try and guide you through this time and once the time has ended they may no longer visit you through your dreams.

You may also be having more nightmares due to stress or other emotions as will as a lack of good food in your diet. Water may also be linking into Nyx andFenrir may also be linking in with Anubis due to simalier animal.

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Re: Strange dreams I'm having
Post # 3
I have been under a lot of stress, a few nights in a row I've ended up crying myself to sleep... But I still don't understand what Loki wants wih me, I wake up on a boat in the dream with Loki just smiling at me, but in with Dream of Fenrir I wake up in a cabin with a blanket over me and Loki sitting in a chair reading, watching me..

I can always ask what they wish to tell me, usually when I dream it's Anubis comforting me telling me the bad things I'm going through will pass and they do.

As for the virus I'm not overly worried, I mean it's scary, but as long as I stay safe and follow protocol I'm fine.
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Re: Strange dreams I'm having
Post # 4

Something I like to consider in this is that people who work with Loki sometimes say that he teaches lessons in some very unexpected ways, but always for the betterment of his followers. It is possible he wants you to see this, and Anubis is also there letting you know it will all be alright. Perhaps, under all this stress, there is some aspect of yourself to conquer, or at least to become acquainted with.

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