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Hello everyone!
Post # 1
I'm new here and I haven't learned anything yet, I need a spell or ritual that will help me to always find my answers in the dream, like when I need answer to a very important question and I pray over it before I get to bed then i will get my answers in my dream when sleeping
please I don't want to sound childish or stupid but that's what I really want anybody please help thanks.
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Re: Hello everyone!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This thread has been moved to Spell Suggestions from Introduce Yourself.
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Re: Hello everyone!
Post # 3

I'm not sure you will be able to find a spell which always does this. There are numerous reasons a spell may not always work.

I remember finding a spell in a witchcraft book I had over 15 years ago. The spell was designed to bring you a dream of your soulmate. I remember the faith I put into it.

The results were shocking for me. I dreamed of my current at the time crush. I didn't expect the spell to work at all.

I tend to find the more faith I have in something the better the results.

As far as a spell I'm sorry I don't have one written up for this.

Perhaps you could write up your own? A spell you worked on yourself will hold more energy and investment than one you find that another has written.

I hope you find what it is you seek.

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Re: Hello everyone!
By: / Novice
Post # 4

Dream interpretationhas been a long sought after sense. In different cultures or religious practices, understanding your dreams meanings can take on a variety of paths, so to better understand yours, as well as find the answers you are seeking, you will need to establish what path of understanding dreams is to you. Freud has his own complicated interpretation in understanding our desires and meanings from a subconscious level. On the other hand, many native cultures like the Navajo or Cherokee tribes use herbal meanings and trance-like states to better understand and interact with their dream messages. Each can take on very different meanings, so starting out, such as you are, you will want to establish what your dream meanings are. For example; if you see a snake in your dream, do you believe it has good meaning or negative? There is no right or wrong in this, which is what makes processing things very unique for each person.

You aren't going to get clear written messages. You may get some strange involvement of random things, which when you wake up you will then need to make sense of it all. I personally believe that much of our dreams are processed and developed based on the chemical composition we are currently in, so if you are stressing over something, the chemical imbalance created by the stress will otherwise effect the type of dream you are having.

As stated by the previous poster, you might want to consider writing your own spell to aid you in using your dreams in a more reasoning manner, such as finding answers you seek during the day. If you are new to spell casting, you should do a lot of research prior to trying to cast. You need to develop your foundation first. Just like a tree, you need to plant the seed and nurture it so that it can grow.

As for dreaming, you can also research some herbal paths to take which may help increase dreaming, help with lucid dreaming or Astral Projection, if that is something you are also seeking. I have in the past, created small sleep bags, which contained a variety of herbs and such which I keep either under my pillow or under the mattress to help ward off negative fears and invite positive energy into my dreaming state.

It is a very versatile topic for discussion since there are so many ways to interpretit.

Good Luck with your studies


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