First "trance"(need help)

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First "trance"(need help)
Post # 1
A few days ago I had a scary experience when I tried to go into trance, was it called, the state between conscious and subconscious. I would say I DID succeed but...

Anyhow, it started like this. I was on the bed at about 8pm ready to go into 'trance'. It took about a few minutes until my mind was about to be asleep. Right about the time when 'it started'.

(Okay, I'm not the best at explaining things but I will give it my all.)

I was all relaxed and about to lose conscious when suddenly, a painful amount of vibrations came over me. I would describe it as like being hit by a truck or vibrations, or getting struck by lightning or a meteor. It was just that scary. I felt my whole body vibrating on a level that even my physical self felt a little pain. To top it off when that happened, I could hear screams or peoples(whatever that was). there were many of them screaming in my head all around me. The image was of blackish and reddish and screaming of many,many people which was really scary.

(I forgot to mention, I have a gift or clairaudient and can sometimes hear spirits or pick up phrases of words from the spiritual planes)

Moving on, I persisted and struggled to keep my conscious in the midst of the chaos of the painful-ish vibrations, and terrifying screams. I am a 15year old, even at my age I expected to be a little more brave but it was seriously terrifying. But I didn't stop at that.

Eventhough it was scary, managed to compose myslef and imaging white light around me and that I stared breathing white light and exhaling dark, negative energy. It was a method I read in meditation forums to cleanse oneself. Mind you, even when I did that the screaming and the pain did not stop , but a few seconds later it somehow ceased away but not completely.

In this state I was aware of my physical body still in the physical realm and while my spirit or mind was in another place. I could see and feel both physically and mentally at the same time,it was super weird and also this was a first experience succeeding in both conscious and subconcious states. And I am certain sure that I am not just dreaming and spouting nonsense.

Alot more happened when I managed to stabalize myself and my consciousness(although not completely)At a point when the screaming had ceased, I remember questioning in my head

"Are my spirit guides here?"

to which i expected the answer "yes" because I was desperately needing help because I was still super scared. for this first question I did not hear a specific answer in my head like i would normally hear with clairaudience, so i think that the 'yes' word that popped in my head was just my expectations. Or that my mind was clouded in expectations to hear any messages.

Then I asked the second question, "Are you my spirit guide?"
this time it shocked me because I heard a very clear voice

"Yes, I am."

I was kinda reassured just a little bit but still pretty scared so I asked
"What is your name?"

and the name Isabelle was the first name I thought of. It wasn't said out clearly like the second question I asked before so it might have just been my expectations again.

This isn't the end to what I experienced but this were the main event that I remembered.

Like I mentioned before, I am only a 15 year old girl, and this experience was a super scary one for me. This was also my first time experiencing something like this, I do not know much about what I am supposed to do now, but I really want to get to experience more like this, better if it was less scary.

If anyone reads this, I would like to seek advice of anyone who might have an idea of what I have went through. Or anyone who has had a similiar experience. I am quite interested to know about other peoples first experiences and if it was anywhere like mine.
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Re: First "trance"(need help)
Post # 2

If you were expecting the experience to be scary then maybe that is why the experience had went to a negative turn. However, you must also remember while some people talk about these experiences like its the greatest thing ever. Even the most simple glance into the unknown can be a fighting task while we are there and only looking back in hight sight did it seem otherwise.

Think about it this way what you experience was something new and your body didn't know how to reacted, so it reacted out of fear. Like an exam one is about to take. You saw it coming, teachers told you to get ready. Your ready to take it, and you don't seem to worried about it even if your brain is buzzing with a little bit of fear about the exam itself.

The trance was like this. You gained some information, you knew what you were doing, you were ready for the outcome but you still feared a little about the idea because it was something new. Your body was only reacting to your emotions. There is nothing wrong with it, by the sounds of it you handle the situation wonderful. My advice would just keep trying what you are doing, your body will get used to it and maybe one day the step wouldn't be such a scary experience to you.

If you could buy some crystals I would recommend to buy some that are linked into mediation and protection. They may be able to help you with your transition a little easier. When most people go into a trance they have a reason for doing so, maybe come up with a question to an answer you are looking for or just getting to know your guides.

If you can't buy crystals then ask your spirit guides for assistance, maybe ask them why the pain comes over you when you go into the trance, ask them if they could help you with the transition. Be mindful and respectful when talking to them just like you would with anyone else. Other then that you did a great job at handling it.

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Re: First "trance"(need help)
By: / Novice
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Welcome.
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Re: First "trance"(need help)
Post # 4

So the interesting thing I would like to point out here is that your experience is very similar to one that I had the other day. I won't go into extensive detail but ultimately it was an experience of sleep paralysis. Trance states like this serve the purpose of remaining conscious in an unconscious state. It is extremely similar to Lucid Dreaming, or the practice of being aware that you are dreaming. Some say Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming go hand in hand, and in that I would have to agree with them. According to some you can tell the difference between being in a dream or being in the Astral realm but personally I fail to see the difference.

The reason I bring that up is that it's highly likely that in that state of self-hypnosis you had tapped into your subconscious mind while still being conscious. At that time you saw images and heard things that could have indicated a plethora of different things involving your feelings and personality. I'm no psychologist, but from what I had experienced not too long ago and from the conversation I had with my own therapist about it, I can safely say that these images and sounds are meant to tell you something about yourself. I won't diagnose you by saying you're harboring a lot of depression and anger, maybe even some bad memories. I will say that how you managed to compose yourself and imagine that white light of protection amidst all of that is very impressive.

Don't take the experience at face value. Our dreams, trances, projections, and other like experiences are meant to tell us something. Not so much on a universal scale than it is on an interpersonal one. Listen to the voices, focus on the details of the images, and be open to interpretations and suggestions.

Maybe take a gander at some dream interpretation books or other resources that explain what common dreams mean. It certainly doesn't hurt to look.

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