How can I fix this?

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How can I fix this?
Post # 1
So today I had the feeling that I need to meditate and chant Om Namah Shivaya however today I did it loudly rather than in my mind.

Now I feel weird, nausea, headaches, warmth, shakiness. Idk why but my mind does feel clearer. How can I fix these symptoms?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: How can I fix this?
Post # 2

I would recommend seeing a doctor first, just to check that nothing major is wrong, but it sounds like your energy may have shift in vibration. There's a lot of information out there about the topic which you could find, but basically your energy may have changed. Ground or earth yourself, play some relaxing music and if possible listen to some running water. Drink water as well, lay down for a bit and eat some healthy meals. Take care.

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