Psalms for Purposes list?

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Psalms for Purposes list?
Post # 1

I've often seen people recommend praying or chanting certain chapters or passages from the book of Psalms in the Bible, to accomplish certain things. It's part of several traditions, which may at least integrate aspects of Christianity, if they don't parallel the practice with the faith. Searching "Psalm for [purpose] " does not always return much help in search engines, but then some time later I may see a forum post somewhere, with, "Use Pslam [chapter] for protection, and [other chapter] for prosperity. It should really help!" Moreso, I haven't been able to find a list or reference of some sort for the list of chapters in Psalms which people use for various purposes. Does anyone know of such a resource?

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Re: Psalms for Purposes list?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

The charmers psalter by Gemma Gary.

Also simply reading the psalms can give you inspiration as to how they can be used- they are quite self explanatory.

A lot of root workers use psalms in their workings, maybe check out some of those websites and have a look. Lucky mojo might have such a list.

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