Spell for my situation

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Spell for my situation
Post # 1
I'm new to this site and I'm feeling a bit desperate.
My husband keeps very close relationships with his 2 ex wives (mothers of his children). I am all for cordial relationships between parents, but in our case, they are "friends". They ignore me, have said disrespectful things about me, which also caused attitude problems in kids and husband towards me. At the same time, they are very very sweet with my husband, manipulating him into doing what they want. And in general, I find it hurtful that he has female "friends" that send each other sweet messages that have nothing to do with kids while I'm excluded. It's causing a lot of jealousy and anxiety issues between us. We have children together, so I don't want to break up. How do I cause some distance between my husband and the exes (or at least one of them)?

Would it be friendship breakup?

Thank you so much!
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Re: Spell for my situation
Post # 2
I feel as this is a very toxic situation where a binding ritual would be in order. Maybe, if that doesn't help, then you should consider taken more drastic measures. Also, maybe try to talk to him about how this is making you feel, and if he shows no interest in fixing the situation, then he may not be worth.
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Re: Spell for my situation
Post # 3
Thank you.
What is a binding ritual?
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Re: Spell for my situation
Post # 4
A binding ritual will bind the person of your choice to you. I don't necessarily recommend them. I think you should begin with talking to him and telling him that this bothers you. You should be a top priority to him, these other women should not be and he should not ever let them or anyone talk bad about you. This will be an uncomfortable conversation, and I'm sure you've had this conversation with him many times, but get to the bottom of this: why are the exes just as much of a priority? His exes are hurting your relationship, he should be able to see that and he HAS to be the one to change it. Make him hear this, he's in the wrong here. They're hurting your relationship. He needs to show you you are the most important person in his life and he is showing them that they are more important than you. That's horrible, and I am so sorry! If you were to bind him to you now, as is, you might bind yourself to the whole situation forever or to a worse one if you bind him to you and then decide to talk about all this, you might find yourself with a new girlfriend in the mix! I would talk to him first, really get to the bottom of this issue with him and if you want to bind the others AWAY from your family, (banish) I think that would be a better way, and then once you're both happy together again, you can bind him to you. String/tying knots is a very popular method for binding and my personal favorite and there are many low ingredient and effective binding/banishing spells on this sight, just type them in at the top. I hope you figure this out, best of luck, and blessed be!
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Re: Spell for my situation
Post # 5

I do have a different opinion on binding spells: In my experience, there are two types, but a lot of people often refer to one type when speaking of binding spells. One type, yes, is made to bind two (or more) people together. The other, however, is to bind a person away -- that is, to restrict their movement in your direction. It's the concept of tying them up alone, binding them to a post, and similar.

Say, with poppet magic, a person could physically tie up a representation of the target of the working to bind them from causing ill against the practitioner. It is similar in scope to a freezer spell, meant to freeze a person's actions. Binding is simply an older concept with a similar goal.

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