Is it gonna work?

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Is it gonna work?
Post # 1
I read the spell to get a fox tail. I did it, however I'm not sure if its going to work, are there any side effects? I know you have to wait 3 days but like...? I'm kinda new, not that new. I'd like to know if anyone has done this and succeeded. Thanks.
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Re: Is it gonna work?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Physical transformations are not possible with magick, that includes growing limbs and tails, so the spell won't work. Any side effects you could feel would merely be the placebo effect.

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Re: Is it gonna work?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
you've asked this 3 different times in 3 different places, and each time you received the same answer. magick is a natural energy that brings natural change by effecting the energy around us to attract/repel the desired outcome. magick has the limitation of nature. you are human. humans do not have fox tails by nature. therefore, the spell does not work. if you want a fox tail, make or buy a plush tail and wear it. you can work with kitsune/fox energies, decorate your altar with foxes, look into astral projection and transform into a fox, or guided meditations involving fox energy, but you will never grow a physical fox tail with magick.
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